Opening (22/06 9:00 am – 9:30 am)  

Room: Room “Aula VI”, 2nd. floor

Seminar 1 (22/06 9:30 am – 11:00 am)  

Bayesian Analysis of Software Engineering Data (Dr. Robert Feldt)

Chair: José Raúl Romero

Room: Room “Aula VI”, 2nd. floor

Session 1 (22/06 11:45 am – 1:30 pm): Human aspects and models 

Chair: Aurora Ramírez

Room: “Aula VI”, 2nd. floor

  • 11:50 am – 12:05 pm Ruben Saborido, Javier Ferrer, Francisco Chicano. “Automatizing Software Cognitive Complexity Reduction: What is Next?” (online) (slides)
  • 12:05 pm – 12:20 pm Ali Khatami. “GitHub Actions Adoption among Projects, What Are the Best Practices?”
  • 12:20 pm – 12:35 pm Leonhard Applis. “BLEU it All Away! Refocusing SE ML on the Homo Sapiens” (slides)
  • 12:35 pm – 12:50 pm Jaime Font, Lorena Arcega, Francisca Pérez, Carlos Cetina. “Road to Human as a Fitness Function”
  • 12:50 pm – 1:05 pm Rodrigo Casamayor, Lorena Arcega, Francisca Pérez, Carlos Cetina. “Towards Bug Localization in Models in Game Software Engineering” (slides)
  • 1:05 pm – 1:20 pm Raúl Lapeña, Ana Marcén, Jaime Font, Carlos Cetina. “Traceability Links Recovery in BPMN Models through Evolutionary Learning to Rank” (slides)

Seminar 2 (22/06 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm) 

Intelligent Recommender Systems in Software Development (Dr. Davide Di Ruscio)

Chair: José Raúl Romero

Room: “Aula VI”, 2nd. floor

Session 2 (22/06, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm): Quality and IoT 

Chair: Pedro Delgado-Pérez

Room: “Aula VI”, 2nd. floor

  • 5:05 pm – 5:20 pm María González Gutiérrez, Félix García. “Green IN Artificial Intelligence: Energy Impact of Machine Learning Models”
  • 5:20 pm – 5:35 pm Juan Alberto Llopis, Javier Criado, Luis Iribarne. “Discovery Service Federation in the Web of Things” (slides)
  • 5:35 pm – 5:50 pm José Ramón Lozano-Pinilla, Cristina Vicente-Chicote. “SmartTLC: Towards Smart Traffic Light Systems” (online) (slides)

Session 3 (23/06, 9:00 am – 10:30 am): Software testing 

Chair: Francisco Chicano

Room: “Aula VI”, 2nd. floor

  • 9:05 am – 9:20 am Jon Ayerdi, Valerio Terragni, Aitor Arrieta, Paolo Tonella, Maite Arratibel. “Generating Complex Metamorphic Relations for Cyber-Physical Systems with Genetic Programming” (slides)
  • 9:20 am – 9:35 am Christian Birchler. “Regression Testing for Self-driving Cars as Cyber-physical Systems in Virtual Environments” (slides)
  • 9:35 am – 9:50 am Pedro Delgado-Pérez, Aurora Ramírez, Kevin J. Valle-Gómez, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo, José Raúl Romero. “Improving Search-based Test Case Generation by means of Interactive Evolutionary Computation”
  • 9:50 am – 10:05 am Carolin Brandt. “Incremental Just-in-time Test Generation in Lock-step with Code Development” (slides)
  • 10:05 am – 10:20 am Agatino G. Mirabella. “Active Learning-driven Testing of Web APIs” (slides)

Seminar 3 (23/06 11:00 am – 12:30 pm)  

Testing with Fewer Resources: Toward Adaptive Approaches for Cost-effective Test Generation and Selection (Dr. Sebastiano Panichella, Mr. Christian Birchler)

Chair: José Raúl Romero

Room: “Aula VI”, 2nd. floor

Session 4 (23/06, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm): Tools  

Chair: Aitor Arrieta

Room: “Aula VI”, 2nd. floor

  • 12:35 pm – 12:50 pm Amir M. Mir, Sebastian Proksch, Georgios Gousios. “Type4Py: Machine Learning-based Type Auto-completion for Python” (slides)
  • 12:50 pm – 1:05 pm Alberto Martín López. “Online Testing of RESTful APIs with RESTest” (slides)
  • 1:05 pm – 1:20 pm Maria Salama. “SAd-CloudSim: A Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation of Self-Adaptive Cloud Software Architectures” (online) (slides)

Session 5 (24/06, 9:30 am – 11:00 am): Software development and testing  

Chair: Aurora Ramírez

Room: “Aula VI”, 2nd. floor

  • 9:35 am – 9:50 am Adem Alit, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo, Jordi Cabot. “Sustainability in Open Source: Bots to the Rescue” (slides)
  • 9:50 am – 10:05 am Quim Motger, Xavier Franch, Jordi Marco. “Transforming Mobile Software Ecosystems with Semi-automatic Feature Integration through Dialogue-based Feedback”
  • 10:05 am – 10:20 am Pedro Pablo García-Pozo, Aurora Ramírez, José Raúl Romero. “Third-party Library Recommendations for Python Developers using Software Analytics Techniques” (slides)
  • 10:20 am – 10:35 am Juan Carlos Alonso, Sergio Segura, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés. “Automated Generation of Test Oracles for RESTful APIs”
  • 10:35 am – 10:50 am Cristian Augusto, Jesús Morán, Claudio de la Riva, Javier Tuya. “Resource Optimization in End-to-End Testing” (slides)

Seminar 4 (24/06 11:30 am – 1:00 pm)  

Data Mining Algorithms Using/Used-by Optimizers: a DUO Approach to Software Engineering (Dr. Leandro Minku)

Chair: José Raúl Romero

Room: “Aula VI”, 2nd. floor