P. 10

Intl. Summer School on Search- and Machine Learning-based Software Engineering
 Third-party Library Recommendations for Python Developers using Soft-
ware Analytics Techniques (Pedro P. García-Pozo, Aurora Ramírez andJoséRaúlRomero).......................... 17
Green IN Artificial Intelligence: Energy Impact of Machine Learning Mod- els(MaríaGutiérrezandFélixGarcía) ................. 19
Discovery Service Federation in the Web of Things (Juan Alberto Llopis, JavierCriadoandLuisIribarne) .................... 21
SmartTLC: Towards Smart Traffic Light Systems (José R. Lozano-Pinilla andCristinaVicente-Chicote)...................... 23
Transforming Mobile Software Ecosystems with Semi-Automatic Feature Integration through Dialogue-Based Feedback (Quim Motger, Xavier FranchandJordiMarco)......................... 25
III New ideas and work in progress 27
BLEU it All Away! Refocusing SE ML on the Homo Sapiens (Leonhard Applis)................................... 29
Generating Complex Metamorphic Relations for Cyber-Physical Systems
with Genetic Programming (Jon Ayerdi, Valerio Terragni, Aitor Ar- rieta,PaoloTonellaandMaiteArratibel). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Regression Testing for Self-driving Cars as Cyber-physical Systems in Vir- tualEnvironments(ChristianBirchler)................. 33
Incremental Just-In-Time Test Generation in Lock-Step with Code Devel- opment(CarolinBrandt)......................... 35
Towards Bug Localization in Models in Game Software Engineering (Ro-
drigo Casamayor, Lorena Arcega, Francisca Pérez and Carlos Cetina) 37
Improving Search-based Test Case Generation by means of Interactive Evolutionary Computation (Pedro Delgado-Pérez, Aurora Ramírez, Kevin J. Valle-Gómez, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo and José Raúl Romero) 39
Road to Human as the Fitness Function (Jaime Font, Lorena Arcega, Fran- ciscaPérezandCarlosCetina) ..................... 41
GitHub Actions Adoption Among Projects, What Are The Best Practices? (AliKhatami)............................... 43

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