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Intl. Summer School on Search- and Machine Learning-based Software Engineering
  Fig. 1. Federated discovery services and recommender systems for WoT resources.
This thesis aims to study the possibility of implementing a federated discovery service that solves the identification of services, taking into account features such as interoperability, security and heterogeneity of services. Furthermore, the dis- covery service makes use of other discovery services to search for devices deployed in different locations. Finally, the system must be able to build, simulate and validate devices using their Thing Description, providing a configuration generation for deploying IoT devices in smart buildings. The following are the specific objectives, all of them in the Web of Things domain:
(a) To analyze and experiment with protocols and ontologies of service identification and classification.
(b) To experiment with the identification of services using other discovery services and provide a solution for the communication between discovery services.
(c) Establish a federated system in the discovery service and study the use of the compatibility rate in service discovery.
(d) Provide a repository solution and define the configuration generation system based on the Discovered Services.
(e) Integrate concepts of recommender systems and discov-
ery services.
(f) Study particular aspects such as query mutation, data
quality, ontologies, interoperability and security.
Objectives (a), (d) and (f) are partially completed with publications in national and international conferences. We expect to finish objectives (a) and (d) before the end of the year. Regarding objectives (b), (c) and (e); currently, we are working on (e), which we expect to finish this year with publications in journals. Finally, objectives about creating a federated discovery service, (b) and (c), will be solved in 2023 and 2024 as the ending of the thesis.
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