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Intl. Summer School on Search- and Machine Learning-based Software Engineering
  Apart from these issues, another question remains: Is a model with good BLEU score useful? The only way to answer this is to ask real humans, real users. Gehrmann et al. [6] come to a similar conclusion and argue for model-cards based on expert-based qualitative analysis. Theoretically there are few fields easier to change evaluations than Software Engineering; Software Engineers produce the data, ML-libraries, models, metrics and are the final users.
The concrete suggestion (shown in Figure 1) is to start models with metrics, and produce proto models that cover a basic understanding of vocabulary and distributions. The downstream-tasks should be tuned with humans in the loop, by rating various aspects of the specific task (content, quality of language, feedback time, inter-prediction quality, etc.). Rating- Criteria should be derived from and with the final users, in a fashion like requirements engineering. This pipeline is similar to e.g. CodeBERT [15], which learns general perplexity on Code and then is fine-tuned for the specific task and language. The BERT-Core and the Code-Addition would form the proto model and the downstream-task of documentation generation would be done in active learning with experts rating samples, instead of blind metrics. Pieces for this novel pipeline are available and tested [16], [17], and could themselves make great use-cases for reinforcement learning and federated learning.
Following metrics down the rabbit hole lead us into a ML wonderland of free publications — but for outsiders we are just kids in an asylum. If our goal is to make models that are useful to developers and help them in their business, the only metric we really have to maximize is their feedback. No developer tries to write documentation with a certain BLEU score, hence we should turn our back on these proxy-metrics. We should trust our users that they know what they want, and change our own research to accommodate for their needs.
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Fig. 1. Proposed Pipeline for SE Model Training

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