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Intl. Summer School on Search- and Machine Learning-based Software Engineering
 the testing process. SDCs were not often considered use cases in previous work, although SDCs are already a reality on our streets.
We run test scenarios in simulation to have a labeled dataset. A single test case consists of road points defining the whole road the SDC has to follow. The execution of simulation tests allows to classify the tests as “safe” and “unsafe”. Several test data are already publicly available [11].
The primary pipeline is provided by SDC-Scissor. The com- ponents and APIs of SDC-Scissor allow modifying, adjusting, or creating a pipeline for conducting experiments with SDCs in virtual environments.
SDC-Scissor is a cost-effective test selector for SDC soft- ware that can predict failing tests with an F1 score of up to 96% and speed up the test execution in simulation by 170%. This selection approach reduces the time spent running tests that likely pass but increases those that likely fail.
The evaluation of the SDC-Prioritizer shows that our ap- proach outperforms a random and greedy baseline prioritizer statistically significantly. I.e., SDC-Prioritizer detects more defects as the baseline with the same execution time. With this tool, the testing process is getting more efficient by revealing more defects in a shorter time.
Our ongoing work shows that we can improve test selection and prioritization significantly. The testing process for SDCs in virtual environments can be more time-efficient. The next step towards our vision is to enable test case minimization for SDCs in virtual environments sot that only relevant parts of a virtual scenario are executed.
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