Introduction New Trends in the Theory and Practice of Translation and Interpreting

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Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano
Carla Botella Tejera


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Cómo citar
Bolaños García-Escribano, A., & Carla. (2023). Introduction: New Trends in the Theory and Practice of Translation and Interpreting. Transletters. International Journal of Translation and Interpreting, 1(7), 1–8.
Biografía del autor/a

Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano, University College London

Dr Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano (SFHEA) is a Next Generation EU ("Margarita Salas") Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Universitat Jaume I, Spain, and a Visiting Researcher at Roehampton University, UK. He is also Lecturer (Teaching) in Audiovisual Translation and was Programme Director (PG Studies, 2020-2023) at University College London (UCL), UK, where he has taught (audiovisual) translation and Spanish language and culture at the School of European Languages, Culture and Society since 2016. He works with research groups TRADIT (UNED, Spain) and TRAMA (Universitat Jaume I, Spain). His research revolves around the pedagogical potential of cloud subtitling and explores the latest innovations in audiovisual translation education. In recent years, he has carried out research on Didactic Audiovisual Translation (DAT) as part of the TRADIT-led TRADILEX project (2020-2023) and has recently joined the SL@VT project at Sapienza Università di Roma (2023-2024), both of which focus on the development of methodologies and tools to use audiovisual translation practices in foreign language education. He is a Member (MCIL) and Chartered Linguist (CL) of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIoL), and works as a freelance translator and subtitler for a number of international vendors. 

Carla Botella Tejera, Universidad de Alicante

Carla Botella Tejera is a certified Translator/Interpreter and she holds a Ph.D. in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Alicante (2010). Her dissertation was on the translation of audiovisual intertextuality. She also holds a MA in New Technologies Applied to Education (2010) and a Postgraduate Diploma on Multilingual Advertising Transcreation (2020). In 2016 she became full-time Lecturer at the Translation and Interpreting Department of the University of Alicante. In the last few years, Carla has published several articles on audiovisual and creative translation, didactics, humour and intertextuality. She has been the academic director of the ESUA Diploma on Subtitling of the University of Alicante, and currently she is co-director of the Cinema and Audiovisual Club at the same university. She is a member of the ARENA (Accessibility, Audiovisual Translation and Language Learning) teaching innovation group, the TRADIT (Didactic Audiovisual Translation) research group at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) and the TEATRADSUAL research group from the University of Alicante. Carla is the editorial coordinator of the Encyclopedia of Translation and Interpreting (ENTI) and she is part of the editorial board of the journal Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación (MonTI).