Dehesas españolas y ranchos californianos

La CRCP ha participado en la elaboración de la parte sobre cinegética que se incluye en un libro sobre las dehesas en España y los ranchos en California. El libro acaba de salir publicado por Springer con el título: “Mediterranean Oak Woodland Working Lanscapes. Dehesas of Spain and Ranchlands of California” . El Capítulo sobre Leer másDehesas españolas y ranchos californianos[…]

Pérez-González, J. & Carranza, J. (2011).

Pérez-González, J. & Carranza, J. (2011). Female aggregation interacts with population structure to influence the degree of polygyny in red deer. Animal Behaviour 82, 957-970. In polygynous systems, female aggregation may affect the degree of polygyny by increasing the variance in male mating success. However, other population features such as the sex ratio and the Leer másPérez-González, J. & Carranza, J. (2011).[…]

Pérez-González, J. et al. (2010)

Pérez-González, J., Barbosa, A. M., Carranza, J., Torres-Porras, J. (2010). Relative effect of food supplementation and natural resources on hind distribution in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Journal of Wildlife Management. 74, 1701-1708. Supplementary feeding is a widespread game management practice in several red deer (Cervus elaphus) populations, with important potential consequences on the biology of this Leer másPérez-González, J. et al. (2010)[…]

Pérez-González, J. & Carranza, J. (2009)

Pérez-González, J. & Carranza, J. (2009). Female-biased dispersal under conditions of low male competition in a polygynous mammal. Molecular Ecology 18(22), 4617-4630. Sex‐biased dispersal is a common phenomenon in birds and mammals. Competition for mates has been argued to be an important selective pressure favouring dispersal. Sexual differences in the level of intrasexual competition may Leer másPérez-González, J. & Carranza, J. (2009)[…]