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The University of Cordoba has a variety of large, modern facilities offering an interesting range of services to members of both the university and the community at large.


The University's large, modern sports facilities are divided between two campuses, providing the opportunity to practice a wide range of sports and other recreational activities. The UCO also has national league men's and women's basketball teams, a men's indoor football team, and judo, tennis and hapkido teams. The sports facilities are run by a private corporation to provide quality service to the university community and society at large.


The Library at the University of Cordoba , whose central services are located on Rabanales Campus, contains a large collection of books as well as audiovisual and archival materials. In addition to loaning books, the Library is equipped with reference and reading rooms and the latest technology, allowing users to access the collection through card and on-line (OPAC) catalogues, as well as through electronic databases. Each of the affiliated libraries keeps users informed about the Library's holdings through diverse publications.

The newspaper and periodicals library, book exhibits, courses and a system that allows users to access the Library's collection through a CD-ROM or an on-line database are only some of the many services offered by the University Library.

Housing Service

The University of Cordoba currently offers a wide range of housing services which are either operated directly by the University or managed under common agreement with other institutions. The UCO has two co-ed dormitories with a capacity for 482 students: the Lucio Anneo Seneca and the Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Residence Halls. The Padre Poveda Residence Hall for women, a university affiliate, is run by the Teresiana Institution. The Lucano Residence Hall on Rabanales Campus with room for 234 students, and the residence hall in Belmez for 36 students complete the list of available housing facilities. Several apartments, studios or rooms are also available for visiting faculty in the residence halls depending on their length of stay.

In addition to the housing facilities run directly by the University, the Housing Service, in collaboration with the Information Office, aids students in finding private accommodation. Through an agreement with the City Council and the Andalusian Institute for Social Affairs, University students may live with elderly citizens at no cost.

Modern Languages anda Translation Service

Through UCO Idiomas, the University of Cordoba offers a wide range of courses in English, French, German, Italian, Arabic and Spanish as a Foreign Language, in addition to a translating service for both general and specialized purposes .

Office of Publications  

The main objective of the Publishing Service is the The Office of Publications at the University of Cordoba is integrated in the Vice-Chancellor's Office for Research and New Technologies. The main aim of the Office of Publications is to provide editing services for the publication of research studies by university faculty as well as managing, distributing and exchanging scientific knowledge with other Spanish, European and American universities. The office currently has some one thousand publications.

The Office of Publications is a member of the A.E.U.E. (Spanish Association of University Publishers) and of the UnivEspaña Foundation, both of which are dedicated to the dissemination of university publications.

Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden is a public foundation jointly managed by the City Council and the University. Devoted to the study of the plant world, it organizes activities and projects aimed at nature conservation and environmental awareness. The Botanical Garden carries out a wide range of social, educational and scientific activities through visits, educational programmes, cultural events, exhibits, lectures, conferences, scientific and general publications, programmes for the conservation of Andalusian plant resources and botanical research. The Botanical Garden is an institution of major social importance and noteworthy international prestige. Its facilities include a germplasm bank with native Andalusian plant species and one of the most important paleobotanical museums in Spain .

Other University Services 

In addition to these services, the UCO offers many others of interest such as the Student Information Office or the University Ombudsman's Office. It also provides assistance through various mechanisms and foundations to promote internships in companies or provide career planning services among others.

The University Ombudsman

One of the most singular institutions at the University of Cordoba is the Office of the Ombudsman. This Office was founded by the University to defend and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all members of the University Community. The Ombudsman may act upon appointment or request to mediate and negotiate in conflict or to process complaints and claims.


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