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According to the latest data of the Andalusian Research Plan (PAI) of the Regional Government of Andalusia, the University of Cordoba has 165 research teams with over a thousand scientists that have put the university at the head of scientific production in Andalusia, ranking it among the top research institutions in Spain . Nationally and internationally renowned scientists, accredited by the numerous awards and distinctions they have received, staff the University laboratories.

The research groups at the University of Cordoba are present in nine different fields such as Food and Agriculture , Life and Health Sciences , Social Sciences , Economics and Law , Physics , Chemistry and Mathematics , Humanities , Environmental Sciences , Information and Communications Technologies and Production Technology , although most work in the first three areas. All of our researchers participate in the Andalusian Research Plan, the National Research Plan and in various European research programmes. Several of our research teams have come to form part of the interuniversity networks of excellence created within the EU.

In touch with reality

In addition to participating in large-scale public research programmes, and thus in the advancement of Spanish and European science, University of Cordoba scientists stay in close touch with the local community through the Office for the Transfer of Research Findings (OTRI), which acts as a liaison between researchers and companies demanding technology. In this context, research teams, research institutes and UCO faculty members work hand in hand with the corporate sector to meet society's demand for scientific expertise, thus strengthening ties between the academic community and society at large.

With this same aim, construction has begun on the Rabanales 21 Technological-Scientific Park . A University initiative, Rabanales 21 is adjacent to the campus and will serve as a centre of operations for numerous companies dedicated to technology, research and development as well as providing a meeting point for scientists in Cordoba and the business sector.

Support services

In order to conduct their scientific activity, professors and their research teams are provided assistance by both the Central Office for Research Support (SCAI) , which provides access to the proteomic unit, the specimens bank, the scientific imagery service and the microscopy and mass spectrometry units, and the Animal Experimentation Service.

The University has its own research funding programme, which has provided financial support to research groups for nearly a decade with the aim of improving both technical and human resources and promoting scientific activity.

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