Martínez Serrano, Leonor María
Dpto. Filologías Inglesa y Alemana
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Plaza Cardenal Salazar s/n
14071 Córdoba (Spain)
Leonor María Martínez Serrano is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and German Philology at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Córdoba, where she pursued her doctoral studies and gained a PhD in Canadian Literature. She teaches courses on English, EFL methodology, digital humanities, academic writing, and CLIL for content teachers at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is a member of the research group “Research in English and Related Literature” (HUM-682), a research team devoted to the study of literary texts written in English from the early modern period to the present. Her research interests include literatures in English, with a special focus on Canadian Literature, American Literature, High Modernism and Ecocriticism, First Nations and Oral Literatures, Literary Translation, CLIL and bilingual education. More specifically, her research focuses on modern and contemporary Canadian and American poetry, as well as on such Modernist authors as T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound and Virginia Woolf. She has presented papers at international conferences and published articles on her research interests in scholarly journals. In addition, she has been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia (Canada), where she has done research on Canadian poetry and has made use of the Rare Books and Special Collections at the university libraries, as well as at the University of the West of Scotland (UK), the University of Białystok (Poland), and the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Germany).
Research Interests
Poetry. Canadian Literature. American Literature. High Modernism. Ecocriticism. First Nations and Oral Literatures. Comparative Literature. Literary Translation. Bilingual education and CLIL.
Current Projects
Currently working on modern and contemporary Canadian and American poets, Ecocriticism, and Henry James’s fiction and critical writings.
Professional activity
Leonor María Martínez Serrano is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and German Philology at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Córdoba, where she pursued her doctoral studies and gained a PhD in Canadian Literature. She teaches courses on English, EFL methodology, digital humanities, academic writing, and CLIL for content teachers at undergraduate and postgraduate level, where she supervises MA Theses in the Master’s Degree in Advanced English Studies (Literature and Cognitive Linguistics) and Bilingual Education and in the Master’s Degree for Teachers of Secondary Education, VET and Official Language Schools.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2021, Breathing Earth: The Polyphonic Lyric of Robert Bringhurst. Literary and Cultural Theory Series, Vol. 58. Berlin: Peter Lang.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M. & Gámez Fernández, C.M. (eds.), 2021, Modern Ecopoetry. Reading the Palimpsest of the More-Than-Human World. Leiden/Boston: Brill.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2021, “La biblioteca abre los ojos: Virginia Woolf y la tradición cultural.” In: Riestra Camacho, R. (ed.), Narrativas y voces angloamericanas y gaélicas en clave feminista. Editorial Dykinson, pp. 134‒155.
- Gómez Parra, M.E. & Martínez Serrano, L.M. (eds.), 2021, The Crystallised Truth of Language. Essays ad Honorem Richard Johnstone. Córdoba: UCOPress, ISBN 978-84-9927-644-1.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M. & Gámez Fernández, C.M. (eds.), 2021, Contra la brecha lingüística: alfabetizaciones múltiples, creatividad e inclusión / Bridging the Language Gap: Pluriliteracies, Creativity and Inclusion. Córdoba: UCOPress, ISBN 978-84-9927-627-4.
- Gámez Fernández, C.M. & Martínez Serrano, L.M. (eds.), 2021, De la emoción al conocimiento: ecosistemas emergentes de aprendizaje lingüístico / From Emotion to Knowledge: Emerging Ecosystems in Language Learning. Córdoba: UCOPress, ISBN 978-84-9927-628-1.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “The Multitudinous Sparseness of Space in Harry Thurston’s Broken Vessel.” Rocznicki Humanistyczne (Annals of Arts. Anglica), vol. 11, pp. 161‒179.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “The Vibrancy of Materiality and Otherwise-Than-Place in Susan Gillis’s Obelisk.” Canada and Beyond: A Journal of Canadian Literary and Cultural Studies, vol. 9, pp. 16‒27.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “Self Writing and World Mapping in Tim Bowling’s Downriver Drift and The Paperboy’s Winter.” Complutense Journal of English Studies, vol. 28, pp. 45‒55.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “The Fragility of a More-Than-Human World: Ecological Awareness in the Poetry of Robert Bringhurst.”Journal of Postcolonial Writing, vol. 56, issue 2, pp. 503‒516.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “A Poetic Correspondence on Ecology and the More-Than-Human World: Allan Cooper and Harry Thurston’sThe Deer Yard.” In: E. Valls Oyarzun, R. Gualberto Valverde, N. Malla García, M. Colom Jiménez & R. Cordero Sánchez (eds.),Avenging Nature: The Role of Nature in Modern and Contemporary Art and Literature, Washington DC: Lexington Books, pp. 119‒132.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “Ezra Pound y la traducción literaria: del legado grecolatino al ideograma chino.” In: S. Díaz Alarcón & P. Guerrero Medina (eds.), Innovación metodológica para la investigación y docencia en Filología y Traducción: casos prácticos, McGraw-Hill, pp. 65‒86.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2020, “The Pedagogical Potential of Design Thinking for CLIL Teaching: Creativity, Critical Thinking and Deep Learning.” In: M.E. Gómez Parra & C.A. Huertas Abril (eds.),Handbook of Research on Bilingual and Intercultural Education, Hershey, PI: IGI Global, pp. 427‒446.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2019, “The Stars on the Page, the Voice in the Sky: Myth, Ovid and the Cree Elders in Robert Bringhurst’sUrsa Major.”Central European Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’Etudes Canadiennes en Europe Centrale, ISSN 1213-7715, volume 14, pp. 149‒165.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M, 2019, “Memoria, identidad y género en el pensamiento de Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.” In: J. Martín Párraga (ed.),Mujer, memoria e identidad en la literatura en lengua inglesa, Granada: Comares, pp. 149‒163.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2019, “Polyphony and Ecology: The Green World in Robert Bringhurst’sNew World Suite No. 3.”Journal of Postcolonial Writing, volume 55, issue 2 (Special Focus:Eco-fictions: Emergent Discourses and Nature and the Environment in Postcolonial Literature), pp. 155‒168.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2019, “CLIL, Bilingual Education, and Pluriliteracies: Bridging the Language Gap in the Knowledge Society.” In:International Approaches to Bridging the Language Gap, C.A. Huertas Abril & M.E. Gómez Parra (eds.), Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 1‒13.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2018, “A Walk in the Woods, or a Poetics of Exile: Robert Bringhurst’s «The Lyell Island Variations».”Babel. A.F.I.A.L., vol. 27, pp. 147‒166.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2018, “The Audible Light of Words: Mark Strand on Poetry and the Self.”ES Review: Spanish Journal of English Studies, vol. 39, pp. 255‒79.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2018, “When Poetry Fell in Love with Philosophy: Robert Bringhurst and Sophocles’ Meditation on Human Nature.”Archivum, vol. 68, pp. 115‒143.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2018, “Following the Old Stones Skyward: Mythmaking in Gwendolyn MacEwen’s Poetry.” In: E. Sánchez-Pardo, R. Burillo & M. Porras Sánchez (eds.),Women Poets and Myth in the 20th and 21st Centuries, Cambridge Scholars, pp. 71‒81.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2018, “In Praise of the Human Voice: Robert Bringhurst’sNew World Suite No. 3and Glenn Gould’sThe Idea of North.” In: Évaine Le Calvé-Ivičević & Vanja Polić (eds.),Beyond the 49th Parallel: Many Faces of the Canadian North. Brno: Masaryk University Press, pp. 205‒220.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2018, “Poets as Translators: Seamus Heaney, Robert Hass and Mark Strand on the Art of Translating Poetry.” In: F.J. Díaz Pérez & M.A. Moreno Moreno (eds.),Languages at the Crossroads: Training, Accreditation and Context of Use, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Jaén, pp. 263‒271.
- Ting, Y.L.T. & Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2018,En el corazón de AICLE. Córdoba: University of Córdoba Press.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2017, “A Fragment of the World, a Piece of Human Consciousness: Tim Bowling’sThe Bone Sharps (2007) andThe Tinsmith (2012).”Journal of English Studies, vol. XV, pp. 135‒154.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2017, “The Music of What Is: T. S. Eliot and Czeslaw Milosz, or a Quiet Meditation on Time and Being.”Ars Inter Culturas, vol. 5, pp. 285‒302.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2017, “Conocimiento, lengua y cosmovisión: reflexiones sobre AICLE y la educación bilingüe.”GRETA Journal, vol. 21, pp. 49‒60.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2016, “A Book Lover’s Journey: Literary Archaeology and Bibliophilia in Tim Bowling’sIn the Suicide’s Library.”Verbeia. Revista de Estudios Filológicos, vol. 1, pp. 201‒216.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2016, “Translation, Orality and the Humanities: Robert Bringhurst and Haida Poetry.”e-AESLA. Revista digital de Lingüística Aplicada, 2, pp. 335‒363.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2015, “The Power and Promise of 21st-Century Literary Criticism.”Odisea. Revista de Estudios Ingleses, no. 16, pp. 179‒195.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2012, “Geografías urbanas en “The Preludes”, de T. S. Eliot.”Almirez, XVII / no. 18, pp. 155‒176.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2010, “La poesía de James Joyce: entre la tradición y la modernidad.”Almirez, XV / no. 16, pp. 79-99.
- Martínez Serrano, L.M., 2009, “Lenguaje y cosmovisión: reflexiones sobre la hermenéutica de la traducción.”Almirez, XIV / no. 15, pp. 85‒97.