Son las 08:45:00 del día 06-10-2024


NECROLÓGICA,  9.4.2024.

Sentimos informar del fallecimiento de nuestro compañero y amigo, Prof.Dr.D. José María Nieto Martínez, Catedrático de Anatomía Patológica de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de Lugo hasta su jubilación en 2019. Desde esta Sociedad, queremos transmitir nuestro más sentido pésame de condolencias a la Familia y amigos. De todos es conocida su magnifica vocación y sabiduría para impartir una excelente Docencia en Citología e Histología y Anatomía Patológica a sus alumnos/as, al tiempo que desarrolló importantes Proyectos de Investigación en el área de la Anatomía Patológica. Además fue Presidente de esta Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica Veterinaria, que dirigió con prestigio y conocimientos para impulsar a los socios, por lo que le estamos muy agrdecidos.





Buenos días a tod@s.
Como sabéis el pasado año perdimos a Valentín Peréz, un gran profesor, compañero, amigo y profesional. Creemos necesario recordarle como se merece por lo que el próximo 12 de abril a las 16.00 horas le rendiremos homenaje en el paraninfo de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de León. Nos gustaría que nos acompañaseis todos los que, de una manera u otra, hab�©is tenido la suerte de contar con �©l en vuestras vidas. Para los que no podáis asistir os facilitamos el siguiente enlace para poder seguirlo en streaming;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!XmplRMil1187n2_N4sC0vm0YG7B_Wu0VYotFjq1qVpItVu7FI-MWYzxdplDHfr1-QH_PXJpI2YXtHxgPONUs$
Hay mucha gente a la que Valentín marcó, tanta que no conocemos ni a una parte. Por eso, te agradeceríamos que des difusión a este mensaje.
Un abrazo.
Dear all
As you know, last year Valentín Perez passed away, a great teacher, colleague, friend and professional. We believe it is necessary to remember him as he deserves, so on April 12 at 4:00 p.m. we will pay tribute to him in the auditorium of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of León. We would like all of you who, in one way or another, have been lucky enough to have him in your lives to join us. For those of you who cannot attend, the event will be broadcast in streaming through the following link;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!XmplRMil1187n2_N4sC0vm0YG7B_Wu0VYotFjq1qVpItVu7FI-MWYzxdplDHfr1-QH_PXJpI2YXtHxgPONUs$
There are many people whom Valentín marked, so many that we don't know even a part of them. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you would share this message.
Miguel Fernández & Miguel Fuertes.
Facultad de Veterinaria de León.



Se oferta Plaza de Patólogo en PRETORIA, South Africa. Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

This message and attachments are subject to a disclaimer.
Please refer to 
for full details.

With kind regards,

 Prof Emily Mitchell Veterinary pathologist

Faculty of Veterinary Science. University of Pretoria.

1 Soutpan Rd, Onderstepoort 0110. South Africa.

+27 (12) 5298332

+27 (72) 2976571





NECROLOGICA, 7.8.2023.

Sentimos informar del fallecimiento de nuestro compañero y amigo, Prof.Dr.D. Valentín Pérez, Catedrático de Anatomía Patológica de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de León. Su magnífico estado de Salud, ha sido sosprendido por un infarto, que ha dejado atónitos a todos los presentes, principalmente a su familia, a quien desde esta Sociedad, queremos transmitir nuestro más sentido pésame de condolencias. Quede constancia que además de su excelente Docencia e Investigación en el área de la Anatomía Patológica, fue Presidente de eta Sociedad de Anatomía Patológica Veterinaria, que dirigió con prestigio y sabiduría, por lo que le estamos muy agrdecidos.



Buenos días, nuestro compañero Bernat Martí me ha enviado este anuncio de convocatoria de 2 plazas de residente en el RVC de Londres.

Saludos, Jorge Martínez

Jorge Martínez Martínez, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVPHistología y Anatomía Patológica.

Facultat de Veterinària. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Travessera dels turons S/N 08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, SPAIN Telf: +34-935813144

Ver en este Archivo




Ocular Pathology Review Course

Apreciados colegas, un año más se anuncia el Ocular Pathology Review Course, la porción de patología ocular dentro del curso de William Magrane Basic Science Course in Veterinary and Comparative Ophthalmology, un curso de ciencias básicas por el que tienen que pasar todos los residentes de oftalmología en un programa del ABVS o EBVS. Hay una sección de dos días dedicada a la patología ocular, y se puede uno registrar solo a esa porción del curso. Es una buena oportunidad para aquellos que quieran iniciarse al mundo de la patología oftálmica.

 Este año el curso es virtual (se planea mantenerlo así en los años impares, presencial en los años pares) con lo que se puede ahorrar en viaje y alojamiento. (deslizar hasta el final)

Cualquier duda me comentáis o bien escribís al centro de formación continuada de UC Davis (direcciones email en el link anterior).

Os agradecería si podeíis distribuir esta información a quien pueda estar interesado.



Carol Naranjo Freixa, LV, DACVP, DECVP, PhD I She/Her/Hers │Anatomic Pathologist II

IDEXX Laboratories │ Carrer Plom 2-8, 3ª │ 08038 Barcelona  │ Spain │NIF B61740361

Tel: +34 932 672 660 │ ││Central European Time (CET)



All attendees:                                                                                            $375 USD

Phil Labelle, DVM, DACVP
Antech Diagnostics (Ottawa, Canada)

Carol Naranjo Freixa, LV, DACVP, DECVP, PhD
IDEXX Laboratories (Barcelona, Spain)

Leandro Teixeira, DVM, MS, DACVP
Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin-Madison

For questions regarding the Ocular Pathology Review Course, please contact the Center for Continuing Professional Education.

Register HERE before midnight (PDT) April 28, 2023







Desde esta Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica Veterinaria queremos mostrar nuestro más sentido pésame por el Fallecimiento de nuestro querido compañero, socio y amigo, el Dr. Lorenzo González Angulo, (NEIKER. Servicio de Investigación y Mejora Agraria, Berreaga, 1, 48016 Derio,Bizkaia), magnifico patólogo y excelente persona. D.E.P. Transmitimos nuestro más sentido y cariñoso pésame a la Familia y todo el ánimo del mundo para soportar tan lamentable pérdida.

Al mismo tiempo queremos incluir en esta sección, el sentir doloroso del Equipo Editorial (Editorial Board de JCP) de la revista Journal of Compartive Pathology, por el fallecimiento del Dr. Lorenzo González, quienes destacan esta frase: Lorenzo "one of OURS"  y quieren dejar constancia del respeto y cariño hacia él, de la siguiente manera:

The Editorial Board of the Journal of Comparative Pathology is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of former colleague, Lorenzo González. Lorenzo was dedicated to veterinary pathology and, over many years, made a major contribution to the Editorial Board of the journal. He was always willing to share freely his considerable experience, knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm. Everyone listened attentively when Lorenzo spoke because colleagues knew that his comments were always well-considered, insightful and valuable to the journal.

Lorenzo will be sadly missed by colleagues on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Comparative Pathology who will remember him with affection and great respect. Our thoughts and sympathy are with his family and friends at this difficult time.

Dr Seamus Kennedy


Journal of Comparative Pathology







PREMIO DE INVESTIGACION para la Dra. Irene Magdalena Rodríguez Gómez del Dpto. de Anatomía y Anatomía Patológica Comparadas de la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de Córdoba:

“Davis-Thompson Foundation Veterinary Pathology Journal Award 2022” por su artículo “Melanosis Coli in Pigs Coincides With High Sulfate Content in Drinking Water

Es un premio que se da al mejor artículo del año publicado en la Revista Veterinary Pathology. Más info aquí: MailScanner ha detectat un possible intent de frau des de ""

También se quiere transmitir la Enhorabuena a los compañeros autores del artículo, de la UCO




To the Professors, Veterinary faculties or schools, Europe

To the Secretaries,  ECVP, ESTP, ESVP, SFPT

Dear Professors, colleagues,

We are pleased to propose an internship for a junior pathologist or end-degree veterinary student, interested to join our department to participate to the BigPicture European Grant ( The position is open from early January 2023 until end April 2023.More details are provided in the sheet to be distributed to the students.

The manager, for administrative reasons, and the mentor for the Bigpicture project will be myself. As regards other activities performed during the intership, the trainee will be supervised by the other pathologists on an ad hoc basis depending on the topic and activity.

Could you please distribute the attached internship description to your young colleagues? Thanks a lot in advance!

Regards / cordialement / groeten,


BigPicture logo

Bigpicture co-lead: WP3; TF Metadata-Nomenclature, TF Quality Co-ordination Centre / participant: WP4, WP5; TF Architecture

Erio Barale-Thomas.   Scientific Associate Director, Pathology

Janssen logo

Preclinical Sciences & Translational Safety
Janssen Research & Development,
A Division of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV
Turnhoutseweg 30
2340 Beerse, Belgium

Mobile +33-769 46 63 95.   Desk +32-14 60 72 77.   (JJDial 295, office Beerse 022/1C3, post 409)


Laura Peña DVM, PhD, Dipl ECVP

Full Professor/Catedrática of Veterinary Pathology 
Past President of the European College of Veterinary Pathologists
Head of the Dept./Directora del Dpto. Animal Medicine and Surgery/Medicina y Cirugía Animal 
Veterinary School. Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.

Job description for an internship as Junior pathologist at Janssen Pharmaceutica

Internship projet BigPicture 2023 - students.pdf Internship projet BigPicture 2023 - students.pdf






Estimados compañeros, la empresa farmacéutica Almirall ha abierto una plaza de patólogo, a priori temporal. El centro de investigación se encuentra en Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona).

Encontraréis la información  en este enlace:

 Aunque en el título conste “Patólogo sénior”, están abiertos a patólogos sin experiencia en el sector de la investigación. No es obligatorio ser diplomado ECVP/ACVP/equivalente, pero sí que sería conveniente estar en preparación para la obtención del título.

Saludos, Anna.




Contactar con Elliot Rowland ( para más información.


Role Presentation – Veterinary Pathologist
My client are a leading organisation and established brand in animal health and animal production. With their highly
scientific, state-of-the-art veterinary laboratories and research facilities and with their exemplary scientific
veterinary knowledge, they support their customers worldwide. They are currently looking for a new Veterinary
Pathologist due to a series of upcoming retirements from the company.

You will be working on multiple animal species (Poultry, Swine, Ruminant & Companion Animals), with a focus on
Poultry Pathology, collaborating across multiple teams to conduct pathological examinations (post-mortem,
histological, cytological) within the scope of both animal health surveillance and research projects. Additionally, you
are responsible for providing advice and expertise regarding the conducted examinations. You identify trends and
provide support for research as well as early warning in case of disease-related emergencies. You also contribute to
the development of new and existing diagnostic techniques
We are looking for someone with at least 5 years’ experience in Pathology who is ECVP or AVPC board certified,
board eligible or equivalent. With 40-50% of your time focussed on Poultry species, we are ideally looking for
someone that is proficient in post-mortem flock diagnostics in poultry or is willing to develop further in that
direction. If you are qualified in other species and have an interest in Poultry, that would work as well. We need
someone who speaks English and ideally Dutch or is willing to learn Dutch quickly.
The role is based at the client’s Deventer HQ in the Netherlands, with a preference for office and lab-based work.
However, some home-based work is possible due to the flexible nature of the role and client, and because of
improvements in Digital Histology which means it can be performed remotely. There is also expected to be some
project-related travel to farms, veterinary institutions, and vet practices, perhaps travelling 1x per month. For this
reason, it is also ideal that you would have a network with local Dutch farmers and Vets.

This is a fantastic opportunity to join a prestigious and highly scientific company at a particularly interesting moment
for their business. You will have a high level of variety in your working day with the ability to explore and delve into
cutting-edge Pathology with range of clients and colleagues. In return for your skills and experience our client will be
offering an excellent package as well as all the benefits that you’d expect from a multi-national organisation.

SPS International 2022.  Role Description.





Hola a todos, 
Os reenvío el link de Zoom para atender los rounds de COPLOW, os los recomiendo a todos aquellos con algún interés en la patología ocular comparada. La hora central americana son 7 horas de diferencia con España gran parte del año, o sea, a las 15h nuestras, miércoles sí-miércoles no, el siguiente es la semana que viene. 
Carolina Naranjo.
---------- Missatge reenviat ---------
De: Richard R Dubielzig <>
Data: dt, 13 set 2022 a les 18:10
Assumpte: [VOPH-L] INVITATION to COPLOW ocular pathology teaching rounds
Per a: <>

COPLOW bi-weekly teaching rounds now open free for guests.

Every two weeks, at 8am central time on Wednesdays, we hold an ocular pathology teaching rounds.  This has been held for an in-house audience to date but we are opening it up for remote guests to benefit.  Mark your calendars now starting at 8am central Wednesday September 21st and going forward every second Weds morning.  (Notice it is not a repeating monthly event like, for instance every third Weds).  The zoom link will remain the same.
We do not intend to send out reminders, so you are required to be mindful of the date your selves.   We are not inviting the world to a verbal forum so we ask remote guests to mute yourselves.

The next rounds are Wednesday September 21st at 8am central time

Link to the Zoom meeting:<>

For new subscription requests contact Ralph Hamor <>.
For technical issues contact Doug Kemp <>

Carolina Naranjo, DACVP, DECVP



NOVEDADES a 18.7.2022.

Patología anatómica, lectura e interpretación de slides
de estudios preclínicos, generación de informes de patología, asegurar el cumplimiento de las GLP en su área, coordinación de los departamentos de histotécnia, necropsias e histopatología.
Formación: Titulación superior en Veterinaria, preferiblemente con especialización en anatomía patológica.
Experiencia de al menos 3 años en puesto similar.
Experiencia en CRO pre-clínica con especies animales.
Experiencia  en farmacología y toxicología en las funciones descritas.

OFRECEMOS:   Contrato jornada completa e indefinido.  Estabilidad laboral y posibilidad de  crecimiento profesional.

SOBRE NOSOTROS: Vivotecnia es una organización europea de investigación por contrato (CRO) de seguridad toxicológica totalmente independiente con sede en Madrid, España. Nuestros laboratorios de toxicología y seguridad fueron fundados en el año 2000. Ofrecemos servicios para apoyar el desarrollo de productos preclínicos para empresas farmacéuticas y biotecnológicas y estudios de seguridad de productos para las industrias cosmética, química y agroquímica.



NOVEDADES a 16.7.2022.


Residency Training in Diagnostic Anatomic Pathology.  University of California, Davis .   San Bernardino, CA

How To Apply/Contact: Applications must include: a curriculum vitae, a letter of intent, transcripts from veterinary school(s), and three letters of recommendation (submitted directly from the referring individuals) and should be submitted via email to Mandy Heitz, Associate Director Administration, at: Program inquiries can be directed to Dr. Francisco Uzal at Deadline for submission of application materials is October 31, 2022.

The University of California is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.




NOVEDADES a 27.6.2022.

OFERTA DE TRABAJO en el Department of Pathobiology and Population Sciences. Royal Veterinary College, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Residency in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology

Residency in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology

Applications are invited for a residency (three-year postgraduate training programme) in veterinary anatomic pathology. The successful applicant will enrol onto a Masters of Veterinary Medicine (MVetMed) programme whilst receiving advanced training in diagnostic gross pathology and histopathology. Residents engage in teaching of final year veterinary students on rota with faculty staff, and progressively assume independent reporting of diagnostic anatomic pathology cases under faculty supervision. Residents are also involved in scientific research and will be expected to submit manuscripts for publication based on their research work during the three-year programme. This programme aims to prepare residents for careers as veterinary anatomic pathologists, and to successfully complete the anatomic pathology certifying examination administered by The American or European College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP/ECVP) and/or the Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath).

This residency is open to veterinary graduates holding a degree registrable with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The tax-free stipend for the Residency starts at £24,500 per annum (subject to review), and increases by annual increments conditional to satisfactory progress and assessment.

The expected start date for the successful candidate will be October 2022.

For informal discussions about this residency please contact Dr Jonathan Williams (

Closing date: Sunday 10th July

Interview date: Friday 22nd July

For further details of this programme, please visit or email quoting veterinary anatomic pathology. To apply (shown as Residency (Small Animal)) click here.


NOVEDADES a 10.6.2022.

Estimado amigo/a,
Se ofrece la posibilidad de realización de un DOCTORADO  INDUSTRIAL.



NOVEDADES a 8.6.2022.

Se ofrece PUESTO de TRABAJO como Patólogo:

Hi Jorge: I hope this message finds you well. I am a Recruiter and I work in pharma and biotech in Canada. I was wondering if you could help me:

One of my clients, an American corporation specializing in a variety of pre-clinical and clinical

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