The main objective of this proposal is the creation of a critical mass of researchers and technicians in the context of the European-Nears Eastern countries specialized in the conservation and use of the cattle genetic heritage for sustainable practices of rural development. It will be implemented under four key strategies:
1.- Creation of a permanent network of laboratories in Portugal, Spain and Egypt for the exchange and updating of information regarding the characterization, conservation and use of local cattle breeds, with special remarks on molecular and genomic technologies.
2.- Organization of a three level training course: capacity building, graduate and postgraduate. All focused on three subject directly related to our main objective:
– Fundamentals of the genetic conservation and improvement of local cattle breeds.
– Molecular and genomic tools applicable in the conservation and improvement of local cattle breeds.
– Transference of knowledge to the cattle subsector, taking into account concepts of food security and food sovereignty.
3.- High level training of researchers on the topics related to the use of new molecular and genomic technologies in the characterization, conservation, improvement and use of local cattle breeds. It will take place by means of a Master and PhD training using excellence programs such as ” Zootechnique and sustainable management” in the University of Cordoba (Spain); advanced post-graduate courses and local training in INRB’ (Portugal) and “Characterization of local cattle breeds” in the University of Ain Shams (Egypt). This will imply the movement of students and professors among the nations involved.
4.- Creation of a training platform on the Internet. We will create an interactive platform in a specific Internet dominium, where the contents of the training courses will be permanently updated. The objective is to have a grounding to develop “long distance “courses to spread the contents of this proposal as far as possible.
General Objectives
1. To favor the building capacity of high level groups of young researchers from the Iberian Peninsula and Egypt on the methodologies applied for the better management of local cattle breeds.
2. Creation of a permanent network of research groups.
3. Upgrading building capacity.
Role of andalusian partner
Creation of a permanent network of research groups.
Our first task will be the identification of research groups already working in the conservation and genetic improvement of local cattle breeds in Portugal, Spain and Egypt. The basic core of the network will be made up of the groups integrated in the consortium involved in the proposal. They will be responsible for the design and development of an inquiry to list the characteristics of the research groups of every nation involved in the proposal.
We intend to ensure the sustainability of the network after the end of the project, so that other members and groups can be invited to integrate the network.
The main objective of this network will be the development of training materials regarding the local reality in the subjects of conservation and genetic improvement of local cattle breeds. Presently most of the information used in the training centers of the Mediterranean area is of general nature and not particularly specific to the region. It is necessary to carry out the identification, organization and dissemination of local materials to improve the quality of the local human resources dedicated to the aforementioned activities.
This action will be developed during the first six months of the project.
Upgrading building capacity of human resources in applied methodologies for conservation and improvement. In the previous two tasks a large quantity of teaching material will be put at the disposal of all national partners regarding the objectives of conservation and genetic improvemen of local cattle breeds.
Two training courses on conservation, genetic improvement and valuation of local cattle breeds will be organized within the present project. The first one will be held during the 12th month of the project in Córdoba (Spain) and the second one during the 36th month in Santarem (Portugal).