
For each case study a working group formed by researchers from EU, LA institutions, and the members of the CSOs has been established.
Water and Biodiversity Management: NILU experts on biodiversity and JHI experts on water will work with PUJ and with the Colombian CSO (CCC).
Forest Management and Land Use: UCO experts will work with UNAM ones and with the Mexican CSO (ERA).
Coastal and Marine Management: SGM experts will work with IADO ones and with the Argentina CSO (AQM). JHI will be responsible of the scenario-building.
​The global CSO (CEIUCN) will support all the case studies. The whole partnership will allow the matching of local-scientific knowledge, the adaptation of outcomes to local, national and global scales and the broader dissemination of COMET-LA results.

México. Forest and agricultural Land Management


How can COMET-LA help?
By enhancing community welfare without losing equity, increasing value added economic activities without creating a division between the industrial section and the primary one, increasing economic development, new institutional arrangements. Despite the so-called good example of sustainable development Comaltepec represents, several challenges are still in place and require attention. COMET-LA will help to extend these above mentioned areas of collaboration.


Colombia. Biodiversity and Water Management

colombiaHow can COMET-LA help?
COMET-LA will explore strategies in collaboration with the families supported by the artisanal fishery to adapt this fishery to a more sustainable activity. In addition to this, it will explore other activities that will utilize the skills of this community such as providing new production systems through aquaculture, or even considering touristic activities in the estuary and surrounding region of Bahia Blanca that utilize the boating skills and local knowledge of the community.
Argentina. Coastal and Marine Areas
argentinaHow can COMET-LA help?

COMET-LA will explore strategies in collaboration with the families supported by the artisanal fishery to adapt this fishery to a more sustainable activity. In addition to this, it will explore other activities that will utilize the skills of this community such as providing new production systems through aquaculture, or even considering touristic activities in the estuary and surrounding region of Bahia Blanca that utilize the boating skills and local knowledge of the community.
