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Q-Interline develops and markets non-invasive analytical solutions for process and quality optimization. We serve the food, feed, dairy, agricultural and bio fuels markets worldwide with Q-Interline solutions.


Do you want to be a sponsor?

Why to become a sponsor?

Visibility. Our IVPTL-NIRS platform will offer your organisation extensive visibility through our corporate sponsorships and the communication campaign we are doing and will continue to do worldwide to find students. Your sponsorship logo will be displayed on the IVPTL –NIRS web site as well as other communication supports. Being a sponsor of this program will also demonstrate your organisation's commitment to NIR education in a rapidly growing community of researchers and professionals from different disciplines.

Cutting edge expertise. The relationships formed through your sponsorship to the IVPT-NIRS will provide you with new partners for collaborations and a pool of highly qualified NIR experts from which to recruit future employees. Sponsors will have access to a forum to post job opportunities and also to make proposals for MSc or PhD research topics of interest to their organisation. Your participation also presents you with a unique opportunity to shape our curriculum so that it best fits your needs.

For more information, please contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (President of the Educational Group of ICNIRS and IVPTL-NIRS Coordinator).

Download the sponsorship agreement.





Bruker Optics is the world's leading manufacturer and supplier of FT-NIR solutions. Our spectrometers can analyze liquid solid and semi-solid samples in seconds and are the ideal tool for the non-destructive and rapid analysis throughout the entire manufacturing process.


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