This event is free to attend, but those requiring a certificate of attendance are asked to pay an admin fee. You also have the opportunity to add one or all of our previous e-books (2019–2022) to your order; please find a list of our e-books here:

Students are entitled to a 10% discount. To receive your promo code, just send us any proof of student status (e.g. student id card, university statement, tuition fees receipt) via email to:

Click here to register



  • Free Admission: Attendees who choose FREE ADMISSION will not be eligible for a certificate of attendance and/or a copy of any of our e-books.

  • Admission + Certificate of attendance (PDF): 15 €.

  • Admission + Certificate of attendance (PDF) + Ebook 1 "AVT: Current Perspectives and Applications": 18 €.

  • Admission + Certificate of attendance (PDF) + Ebook 2 "Taking Stock of Recent Advances in Pedagogical Translation and Foreign Language Education": 18 €.

  • Admission + Certificate of attendance (PDF) + Ebook 3 "Mediation and cultural understanding in the language classroom": 18 €.

  • Admission + Certificate of attendance (PDF) + Ebook 4 "Media Accessibility in Modern Languages and Translation": 20 €.

  • Admission + Certificate of attendance (PDF) + Ebook 5 "LGBTQI+ Issues in Modern Foreign Languages and Translation Education": 18 €.
  • Admission + Certificate of attendance (PDF) + All Ebooks (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5): 32 €.