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Técnicas de Caracterización Química & Cristalografía Programas libres  y Programas de pago

Química y Cristalografía

(*) Los enlaces marcados incluyen complementos no soportados por: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari.

Química General
- Chem1 virtual textbook: a reference text for General Chemistry (Stephen Lower, Simon Fraser University)
- An Introduction to Chemistry (Mark Bishop, Chiral Publishing Company)
- Atomic theory (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- The Orbiton: a gallery of atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals (Mark Winter, University of Sheffield)
- Electronic Configurations (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Chemical Bonding (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) (Mark J Winter, The University of Sheffield)
- Interactive Simulations, General Chemistry (University of Colorado) (*)
- Descriptive Chemistry (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- The Periodic Table of Videos (The University of Nottingham)
- Virtual Chemistry Experiments (David N. Blauch) (*)
- Chemistry (Wisconsis's Technical Colleges)

Química de la Coordinación
- Coordination Chemistry (Virtual Chemistry Experiments, David N. Blauch) (*)
- Interpretation of the spectra of first-row transition metal complexes (Robert J. Lancashire, University of the West Indies) (*)
- Ligand Field Theory Fundamentals (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Crystal Field Theory (Virtual Amrita Laboratories Universalizing Education)
- Organometallic Chemistry (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Crystal Field Theory (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Coordination Chemistry, an introductory course (Robert John Lancashire, University of the West Indies)
- Coordination Chemistry (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Chemistry of Transition Metal Complexes (University of the West Indies)

Cristalografía, Elementos de Simetría
- e-Crystallography course (Gervais Chapuis, Laboratoire de Cristallographie, EPFL) (*)
- Crystallographic CourseWare (Margaret Kastner, Timathy Medlock and Kristy Brown) (*)
- Crystallography (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Crystallography (DoITPoMS, University of Cambridge)
- Crystallography Notes and Manuals (Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, University of Oklahoma)
- Lattice Planes and Miller Indices (DoITPoMS, University of Cambridge)
- The Beauty of Symmetry (Mathematics Illuminated, Annenberg Learner)
- Group Theory (Virtual Amrita Laboratories Universalizing Education)
- Crystal Structure (Virtual Amrita Laboratories Universalizing Education)
- Bilbao Crystallographic Server (Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco)
- Point Group Symmetry (Jonathan Goss, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)
- Symmetry Resources (Dean H. Johnston, Otterbein University)
- Introduction to crystals (Chem1 General Chemistry Virtual Textbook, Stephen Lower, Simon Fraser University)
- JCell applet: crystallographic unit cell visualizer (Steffen Weber) (*)
- Crystallographic Polyhedra applet: a polyhedra visualizer (Steffen Weber) (*)
- Polyhedra of Point Groups applet represented by the Wulff net (Steffen Weber) (*)

Estructuras de Sólidos
- Basic Solid State Structures (ChemTube3D, University of Liverpool)
- Cubic crystal lattices and close-packing (Chem1 General Chemistry Virtual Textbook, Stephen Lower, Simon Fraser University)
- Structures of Solids (Virtual Chemistry Experiments, David N. Blauch) (*)
- Crystal Lattices (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Crystallography Open Database
- American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

Técnicas de Caracterización

(*) Los enlaces marcados incluyen complementos no soportados por: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari.

Absorción de rayos X
- Tutorial Materials (International X-ray absorption Society)
- X-ray Spectroscopy (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and related techniques(Iztok Arcon, University of Nova Gorica)
- 2007 APS XAFS School
- 2008 APS XAFS School
- Talks by Bruce Ravel (Bruce Ravel, at Speaker Deck)
- Interactive Tutorial about Diffraction (Th. Proffen and R.B. Neder, Michigan State University)
- e-Crystallography course (Gervais Chapuis, Laboratoire de Cristallographie, EPFL) (*)
- X-ray Diffraction Techniques (DoITPoMS, University of Cambridge)
- Diffraction (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Diffraction (matter, University of Liverpool)
- Indexing Electron Diffraction Patterns (DoITPoMS, University of Cambridge)
- XRD Webinars (Bruker)
- Java Formfactor Curves (Steffen Weber) (*)
Fluorescencia de rayos X
- X-Ray Fluorescence (SERC, Carleton College)
- XRF Principles (LearnXRF)
- Introduction to XRF Spectroscopy (HORIBA Scientific)
Infrarrojo - Raman
- Vibrational Spectroscopy (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Raman Spectroscopy (DoITPoMS, University of Cambridge)
- Infrared, Near Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy Webinars (Bruker)
- Point Group Tables (Bilbao Crystallographic Server, Universidad del País Vasco)
- IR Raman and Hyper-Raman Modes (Bilbao Crystallographic Server, Universidad del País Vasco)
- Transmission Electron Microscopy (D. Brook, B. Tanovic, A. Green, I. Jones, matter, University of Liverpool) (*)
- Microscope Training (Virtual Microscope, University of Illinois)
- Transmission electron microscopy (DoITPoMS, University of Cambridge)
- The Electron Microscopy Site (ETH Zürich)
- myScope, Train for advance research (Australian Microscopy & Microanalysis Research Facility)
- SPM Principles (NT-MDT, AFM probes)
- Video Tutorials for Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM Workshop
- Atomic Force Microscopy (DoITPoMS, University of Cambridge)
- AFM Webinars (Bruker)
- Virtual TEM - Basic imaging (MyScope, ammrf)
- Virtual TEM - Diffraction and advanced imaging (MyScope, ammrf)
- Mössbauer Spectroscopy (SERC, Carleton College)
- The beginnings of Mössbauer spectroscopy (J. Adetunji, A. T. Dronsfield, education in chemistry, RSC)
- Mössbauer Spectroscopy (J. Bland Ph.D Thesis, University of Liverpool)
- Introduction to Mössbauer Spectroscopy (Mössbauer Spectroscopy Group, RSC)
- Mössbauer Spectrosmetry (P. Gütlich, J.M. Greneche, F.J. Berry)
- Gravitational Red Shift in Mössbauer (HyperPhysics)
Neutrones: Teoría, Instalaciones
- Neutronsources, your entry into the neutron world
- Institut Laue-Langevin
- Neutron Science at the ILL (H. Schober, U. Köste, podcast at
- 2014 NCNR/NSF Summer School Course Materials (NIST Center for Neutron Research)
- e-Neutrons
- Neutron Sciences (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Jülich Centre for Neutron Science
- Neutron Scattering (Neutron Scattering and Magnetism Group, ETH Zürich)
- 14th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering (University of Oxford)
Reflectometría de rayos X
- X-ray Reflectometry (Webinar, Good Diffraction Practice I, Bruker)
- X-ray Reflectometry (pdf slides, Good Diffraction Practice I, Bruker)
- X-ray Reflectivity measurement (Miho Yasaka, The Rigaku Journal)
- X-Ray and Neutron Reflectivity for the Investigation of Thin Films (A Short Tutorial, F. Schreiber, A. Gerlach)
- X-Ray-Reflectometry (Manual for the experiment, A. Biermanns)
Resonancia Magnética Nuclear
- Introductory NMR & MRI, with Paul Callaghan (Magritek)
- NMR course for the web (Queen's University) (*)
- Understanding NMR Spectroscopy (J. Keeler, University of Cambridge)
- The basis of NMR (J.P. Hornak, Rochester Institute of Technology)
- NMR Tutor (Charles B. Abrams) (*)
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Bloch Simulator for education in MRI and NMR (DRCMR)
- Questions and Answers in MRI, with medical applications (A.D. Elster, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston)
- Curso detallado e interactivo sobre IRM (IMAIOS SAS)
Resonancia Paramagnética Electrónica
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Basic Concepts of EPR (ETH Zürich)
- EPR Spectroscopy (Physical Chemistry Laboratory, New Mexico State University)
- EPR Manuals (Duin Laboratory, Auburn University)
Sincrotrón: Teoría, Instalaciones
- ALBA (sincrotrón español)
- ESRF, the European Synchrotron
- Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation (A. Balerna, S. Mobilio)
- Advanced Photon Source (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Soleil
- Advanced Light Source (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Videos Tutorials (U.S. Particle Accelerator School)
- The Proton Synchrotron (CERN)
XPS - Auger
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (La Surface)
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Techniques for Surface Chemical Composition (S.J. Garrett, Michigan State University)
- Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ChemWiki, UCDavis)
- Auger Electron Spectroscopy (La Surface)
- Auger Electron Spectroscopy, Techniques for Surface Chemical Composition (S.J. Garrett, Michigan State University)
- Auger Theory (Evans Analytical Group)

Programas Informáticos

Programas/Bases de uso libre Programas / Bases de pago

Gráficos en general
- SciDAVis - Origin Lab
- Lab Plot - Sigma Plot
Cristalografía, Mineralogía (bases de datos)
- Crystallography Open Database - Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
- Crystallographic and Crystallochemical Database for Minerals
- RRUFF Project
- Mineralogy Database
- American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database
Representación de Moléculas y Sólidos
- ORTEP - Crystal Maker
- ACD/ChemSketch - ChemDraw
Análisis de Datos
- FullProf Suite (método Rietveld) - TOPAS (método Rietveld)
- GSAS (método Rietveld) - TOPAS-Academic (método Rietveld)
- VIBRATE ! (modos de vibración) - VIBRATZ (modos de vibración) (bajar en la página)
- Dmfit (RMN)
- CasaXPS (XPS-Auger)
- Web Electron Microscopy Applications Software
- Software Resources for XAFS
- OpenChrom (Cromatografía, Espectrometría de masas)