The website "Buscador de rutas UCO" has been developed by the Geographic Information System of the University of Cordoba.(SIG-UCO), under the current technical direction of Vicerrectorado de Campus Sostenible in collaboration with the Dpto. de Ingeniería Gráfica y Geomática, the Servicio de Contratación y Patrimonio and the Unidad Técnica. You can get more information about the rest of our services in the website of the Technical Unit.
SIG-UCO logo
To be able to search for routes you must belong to the University of Cordoba community. You can access using the user and password your regular university account (provided by the Sistema de Gestión de Usuarios - SIGU), by clicking on the login button on the homepage. You will be redirected to an authentication website where you will be asked for your user login details via a form. You can also log in with the digital certificate o Electronic DNI.
User authentication website of the University of Cordoba.
SIG-UCO catalogues the different locations according to their type of use. For reasons of privacy and functionality, not all university spaces are shown in the list of locations. The locations that are filtered to appear and can therefore be located by means of the route search must be included in the following uses:
- Classrooms
- Laboratories
- Seminars
- Computer rooms
- Grade rooms
- Study rooms
- Multi-purpose rooms
- Function rooms
- Cultural and recreational rooms
- Secretaries
- Concierges
- Greenhouses
- Libraries
- Cafés
- Student councils
- Companies
- Doctors
- Reprographies
The locations are listed with a brief description accompanied by their identification code (you can see this code on the signage next to the access doors of each location). If you think that any of these descriptions could be improved, do not hesitate to let us know so that we can study the case.
To start a search you should go to "Search" and select in the form the points of from and to. Start by selecting the zone of origin (which will also automatically be the destination zone). We have information on the following buildings:
- Campus Rabanales (which includes: Facultad de Veterinaria, Facultad de Ciencias, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Córdoba and Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y de Montes)
- Rectorado
- Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Psicología
- Facultad de Ciencias del Trabajo
- Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
- Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
- Facultad de Medicina y Enfermería
- Escuela Politécnica Superior de Belmez
- Aulario Campus Menéndez Pidal (Grado en Turismo - FCT)
Search fields
We hope to be able to add even more information on the other efficiencies in the near future.
Once you have selected the zone you will see that buildings or infrastructures belonging to that area are available. After selecting one of them, all of the locations existing in that building grouped by floor.
There is also the possibility of searching for locations by writing within your field and the approximate results will be displayed.
Type in the location search field.
Once you have selected the from and to locations, click on the button “View routes” to proceed with the search for the shortest route between the two locations.
Once the route search is completed, a screen with the route to follow will be displayed. This route can be divided into several steps if it passes through different floors or points on the campus. Each point of origin of a stage continues where the previous one ends. To navigate between the different stages, click on the buttons that represent them (under the texts "STEP 1/", "STEP 2/", "STEP 3/"...). The stage currently displayed is highlighted in red and green.
Buttons to navigate between the different steps.
In the central part you can see the map of the area with the route indicated by a red line. You will also see the start (green) and destination (red) points highlighted, accompanied by their description. You can move the plane by clicking with the mouse on the image and dragging, as well as changing the zoom using the mouse wheel or using the "+", "-" buttons or the zoom bar on the left side of the plane.
Buttons to modify the zoom of the plane.
At the bottom left you will also see a miniature reference plane which will indicate with a red box the area you are viewing enlarged, so that you always have a reference. If this thumbnail is obstructing your view of the plane, you can minimise it using the button "«" located next to it.
Miniature reference plane.
In some planes it is possible to find the symbol , that represents some kind of additional information on a specific point. To find out this information, click on it with the mouse and a small pop-up window will open.
The web "Route finder UCO" has been converted into a PWA (Progressive Web App), This means that it can be installed from the browser itself on both mobile devices and desktop.
- Steps to follow in Google Chrome
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
- Steps to follow in Safari
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
- Steps to follow in the browser of Xiaomi
Step 1.
- Steps to follow in Opera
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
You can select the option "Route using lifts instead of stairs". In this way, the route provided will avoid the use of stairs as much as possible, indicating the nearest lifts instead. You can activate this option just before performing the search, above the "View Route" button.
We are working to extend this option to different special needs. We hope to soon offer routes adapted to all kinds of needs.
Lift route option.
The information shown in this web application comes from the Report on Architectural Barriers Phase III of the Rabanales Campus by the Vice-rectorate for Coordination, Infrastructures and Sustainability of the UCO.
For this purpose, the guidelines established in decree 293/2009, of 7 July, which approves the regulations governing the rules for accessibility in infrastructures, urban planning, building and transport in Andalusia, have been followed. In addition, other complementary documents have been consulted which provide recommendations for making urban spaces accessible.
If you have any questions, suggestions or if you have detected any errors on the website, you can write to us at by providing us with all the necessary information.