Programas de movilidad
Datos de Contacto
Vicedecano de Movilidad, Internacionalización y Comunicación Científica
Dr. D. Juan José Giner Casares
Teléfono: (+34) 957 21 85 84
Gestión Académica Decanato (Programas de Movilidad)
Tutores de Movilidad Internacional
Profesora Coordinadora de Movilidad Grado de Bioquímica
Incoming International Students
BEFORE your arrival
- Your home University should nominate you by sending an email saying that you have been selected with your name and surname, email address, field of study and number of months.
- You will receive an email with the information to register in our on-line application SIGMA following the instructions of the following link
- After your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with new instructions.
Upon your ARRIVAL
- Upon your arrival you must go to the International Office at Faculty of Science
- You must provide the following documents:
- European Health Insurance Card (The EHIC can be obtained at the Health Department in your home country)
- Accident and travel insurance
- Scanned copy of the passport or identity card
- Certificate of arrival
Upon your arrival you must first go to our International Relations Office at Rectorado (Avd. Medina Azahara, 5) so that you can be issued the admission credential and check that all the documentation is in order.
Subsequently, to make your enrolment, you must go to the Mobility Secretary’s Office of the Faculty of Sciences (Rabanales Campus) with the credential issued by the Office of International Relations.
In the following links you can find the subjects that are taught in English for each degree, although an exchange student can take modules from several degrees whenever they match their syllabus in the home university.
- Academic Calendar
- Intenational tutors:
Local tutors will contact with you and they will help you in finding with accommodations. Moreover, you will get additional information and help with your arrival to the University of Córdoba. - Language courses:
The University of Cordoba offer Spanish language courses. In case you are interested, please consult the following website: - International Relations Office website (University of Cordoba)
Movilidad Estudiantes Facultad de Ciencias
- Convocatoria del Programa SICUE 2022/2023
- Plazas de movilidad SICUE ofertadas:
- Enlace a la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales UCO
- Enlace oficial SICUE de la CRUE
- Impresos y documentos:
- Convocatoria Programa PIMA 2023/24 (Pendiente de publicación)
- Enlace Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales (ORI)
- Movilidad de ESTUDIOS 2023/2024 y PRÁCTICAS 2022/2023 en IBEROAMÉRICA
- Movilidad de ESTUDIOS 2023/2024 y PRÁCTICAS 2022/2023 en ASIA
- Movilidad de ESTUDIOS 2023/2024 y PRÁCTICAS 2022/2023 en EE.UU. y CANADÁ
- Movilidad de PRÁCTICAS internacional de excelencia académica 2023/24
- Becas Fulbright
- Becas dirigidas a estudiantes de últimos cursos de Grado, que estén interesados en estudiar o investigar en universidades estadounidenses.
- Más información en Fulbright España
- Programa Vulcanus
- El programa consiste en la realización de prácticas en Japón por estudiantes de la Unión Europea.
- Más información en la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales (ORI)
- Convocatoria de Becas Tutores Internacionales 2023/2024
- Convocatoria de Becas para Tutor Internacional de la Facultad de Ciencias 2023/24
- Impresos:
- Resolución Provisional de la Convocatoria para Tutores Internacionales 2023/2024
- Resolución Definitiva de la Convocatoria para Tutores Internacionales 2023/2024