University of Córdoba
Jesús Blanco Hidalga teaches English at the University of Córdoba and IES Maestro Eloy Vaquero, where he is the head of english department. In 2015 he obtained his PhD at the University of Córdoba, where he has been a lecturer since 2017.
His research interests are modern and contemporary narrative in English, literary and critical theory and English language teaching.
- Jonathan Franzen and the Romance of Community: Narratives of Salvation (New York: Bloomsbury, 2017)
- "Knowable Conspiracies: Ideology and Form in Jonathan Franzen's 'The Twenty-Seventh City'", Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, vol. 52, Dec. 2015. ISSN 1137-6368
- "In the 'Vacuum': Political Readings and Misreadings of Jonathan Franzen's Novels", in R. Arias et al (eds.) Hopes and Fears: English and American Studies in Spain (e-book), Departamento de Filologías Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana, Universidad de Málaga 2013. ISBN 978-84-616-6917-2
- "The Importance of Being Nameless: Exploring Alienation and Mysticism in Margaret Atwood's 'Surfacing.'" Estudios de filología inglesa: IV Actas de las IV Jornadas de Filología Inglesa, Córdoba, octubre 2001. Coord. Pilar Guerrero Medina, María del Carmen Portero Muñoz, María Luisa Pascual Pascual Garrido, Antonio Ruiz Sánchez, 2004, ISBN 84-7801-715-1. 257-266.
- "Factores que afectan la comprensión lectora en L2/L3" (co-authored with A. Roldán Tapia et al.) e-CO: Revista Digital de Educación y Formación del profesorado del CEP "Luisa Revuelta", no. 7. ISSN 1697-9745.