Assistant Professor
Name: | Macarena Palma Gutiérrez | ![]() |
Position: | Assistant Professor | |
Research group: | Lingüística Cognitiva y Funcional HUM-693 | |
Telephone: | + 34 957 21 87 65 | |
Email address: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |
Address: | Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Anexo junto al Salón de Actos, 2ª planta, Despacho nº 2 |
Macarena Palma Gutiérrez is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters at the University of Cordoba and was previously a recipient of the prestigious FPU grant from the Ministry of Universities. She teaches undergraduate and Master's degree courses in theoretical and practical linguistics, especially in English Studies. She is a member of the Cognitive and Functional Linguistics Research Group (HUM-693) and holds a PhD from the University of Cordoba with ‘cum laude’ and International Mention. Her main fields of research are cognitive and functional grammar, construction grammar, semantics, usage-based models, and corpus-based studies. She has participated in several national and international conferences, including her contribution to the 3rd International Europhras Congress 2019, where she was awarded the prize for the best research paper in the junior category. She has completed a 3-month pre-doctoral stay (funded by a competitive grant from the Ministry) at KU Leuven (Leuven, Belgium) in 2020, under the tutelage of Professor Dirk Geeraerts. She is an active member of academic organisations such as AEDEAN, ESSE and AESLA, as well as a member of the Editorial Board of Bibliography of Metaphor and Metonymy (MetBib) at John Benjamins Publishers. In addition, she was a member of the Organising Committee of the 42nd AEDEAN Congress, held at the University of Córdoba (Spain) in November 2018, and is co-editor of the post-conference volume entitled ‘Advances in English and American studies: current developments, future trends’. She is also involved in several R+D+i projects funded in both national and local competitive calls. She is currently Principal Researcher of a project of the UCO Research Plan, submodality UCOImpulsa, entitled ‘Linguistic and identity dynamics: An analysis of the specialised discourse of drag’.
Main Publications
- Palma Gutiérrez, M. (in press). Compositional argument selection in N+V qualia pairs within the dicourse of cooking: A corpus-driven study. Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies.
- Palma Gutiérrez, M. (in press). The middle construction and some machine translation issues: Exploring the process of compositional cospecification in quality-oriented middles. In J. Monti, R. Mitkov, and G. Corpas (Eds.), Recent advances in multiword units in machine translation and translation technology (Series: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Palma Gutiérrez, M. (2024a). Profiling and defocusing phenomena in the discourse of fe/male novelists: a corpus-based approach. In E. L. Jiménez-Navarro, and L. Martínez Serrano (Eds.), Where gender and corpora meet: New insights into discourse analysis (pp. 135-156). Hamburg: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-631-88035-7.
- Palma Gutiérrez, M. (2024b). Syntactic alternations with verbs of motion: A corpus-driven analysis of the language of adventure tourism. In I. Durán-Muñoz, and L. Jiménez-Navarro (Eds.), Profiling the language of adventure tourism: A corpus-assisted approach (pp. 211-228). Hamburg: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-631-8801-4.
- Guerrero Medina, P. & Palma Gutiérrez, M. (2023a). The lexico-grammatical profile of non-agentive deverbal -er nominals: a usage-based approach. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (RAEI), 39, 87-107. (
- Palma Gutiérrez, M. (2023b). Acquisition of middle constructions in Spanish: The morpho-syntactic and semantic aspects of the clitic ‘se’. Nuevas teorías y aproximaciones a estudios sobre lengua, lingüística y traducción (pp. 248-263). Madrid: Dykinson. ISBN: 978-84-1122-830-5.
- Palma Gutiérrez, M. (2022). Verbs of cutting in the middle construction: Examining the Compositional Cospecification of patientive vs. agent-instrument middles. ELUA, 38, 263-279. (
- Palma Gutiérrez, M. (2021a). Un enfoque contrastivo del sujeto +animado en la construcción media inglesa y española. In G. Corpas Pastor, M.R. Bautista Zambrana, and C.M. Hidalgo-Ternero (Eds.), Sistemas fraseológicos en contraste: Enfoques computacionales y de corpus (pp. 101-120). Albolote, Granada: Comares.
- Palma Gutiérrez, M. (2021b). Prototype effects in the process of compositional cospecification in the middle construction. Estudios Interlingüísticos, 9, 157-172.
- Palma Gutiérrez, M. (2019). Semantic prosody in middle construction predicates: Exploring adverb + verb collocations in middles. In G. Corpas Pastor, and R. Mitkov (Eds.), Computational and corpus-based phraseology (pp. 345-359). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. (
Research projects
- ‘Investigación sobre la metonimia conceptual en áreas seleccionadas de la gramática, el discurso y la lengua de signos con ayuda de la base de datos de metonimia de la Universidad de Córdoba’. (Ref.: PGC2018-101214-B-I00). Equipo de trabajo.
- ‘Análisis de la terminología adjetival en un corpus de artículos académicos en inglés publicados en revistas de impacto alto por investigadores no nativos de universidades españolas: Una perspectiva de género en las áreas de Lingüística y Literatura’. (Ref.: P.P. 2021, Submod. 2.6). Equipo de trabajo.
- ‘Dinámicas lingüísticas e identitarias: Un análisis del discurso especializado del drag’. (Ref.: P.P. 2024, Submod. 2.5). Investigadora Principal.