Prepossessing Henry James: The Strange Freedom (Routledge, 2024) ha sido incluida como "Choice Outstanding Academic Title" en el listado que la revista Choice de la American Library Association ha elaborado para el año 2024. El reconocimiento a esta obra, reseñada por el profesor Ned Lukacher (University of Illinois, Chicago), es una muestra del trabajo de investigación literaria que realizamos en el departamento.
Reseña del profesor Ned Lukacher:
Reading Jimenez Heffernan's extraordinary evidence of the scope of James's ironically allusive reinvention of the novel in English, one might readily embrace T. S. Eliot's judgment that Henry James was "the most intelligent man of his generation." Jimenez Heffernan unfolds a Jamesian world beyond the antinomies of realism/idealism, materiality and the thing-in-itself, a world in which uncanniness of memory transforms Hamlet into an early modern novel that unlocks the mystery of the demise/suicide of a would-be poet-revolutionary (The Princess Casamassima) and the plight of a sexually troubled Victorian governess rehearses elements of plot, character, and settings derived from Richardson's Pamela and Fielding's Amelia (The Turn of the Screw). Jimenez Heffernan reveals the significance of Jamesian memory as it transforms the action and language of The Wings of the Dove into an allegory of lurid sacrifice in ancient Rome as described in Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. In The Ambassadors James performs a seriocomic return of Thackeray's wistful unfinished Denis Duval, and in The Ivory Tower James invokes the satiric voices of Dickens's Our Mutual Friend. Reanimating the best James criticism from Edmund Wilson to Tony Tanner, Jimenez Heffernan reconfigures the relation of the English novel to the emergence of literary and philosophical modernity. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through faculty.
Enlace a la página de Routledge en la que se describe el reconocimiento y se incluyen las obras de dicha editorial que han sido premiadas en 2024: