Internal Doctoral students and contracted staff

All progress to date made by the HIBRO research group has been possible thanks to its human team. Our staff consists of recognized researchers belonging to different areas is mainly characterized by a coordinated multidisciplinary work.

Javier Sánchez Martín

Contratado Pre-doctoral

Name: Javier Sánchez Martín javier sanchez martin
Category: Contratado Pre-doctoral
Phone:  + 34 957 212 000
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Location: Departamento de Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos. Universidad de Córdoba.

Graduated in Food Science and Technology during 2019. Later, he completed the Master's degree in Biotechnology at the University of Córdoba, finished in 2020. He is currently pursuing his doctoral studies, while he has a pre-doctoral contract for the training of doctors (2020), associated with the European Project “Quantitative microbial risk assessment of foodborne pathogens of high public health significance in Spain: Listeria monocytogenes in processing chains” as part of HIBRO Group.

You can find us at:

Dpt. Food Science and Technology.
International Agrofood Campus of Excellence CeiA3.
Campus Rabanales s/n. Darwin building- Annex.
Crta. Madrid-Cádiz Km. 396-A 14014.
University of Córdoba (SPAIN).

Phone: 957 218691


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