Internal Doctoral students and contracted staff

All progress to date made by the HIBRO research group has been possible thanks to its human team. Our staff consists of recognized researchers belonging to different areas is mainly characterized by a coordinated multidisciplinary work.

Fatih Tarlak

Visiting Profesor

Nombre: Fatih Tarlak Fatih Tarlak

Visiting Profesor


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Ubicación: Departamento de Bromatología y Tecnología de losDepartamento de Bromatología y Tecnología de losAlimentos. Universidad de Córdoba.

Fatih Tarlak received his B.Sc. degree from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Gazi University in 2009. In 2010, he started his M.Sc. study at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Gebze Technical University. Being as a research assistant, he pursued his Ph.D. study at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Gebze Technical University. His Ph.D. study was financially supported in the scope of food preservation technologies by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with 2211/C National Ph.D. Scholarship Program in the Priority Fields in Science and Technology.In the last six months of his Ph.D. study, he was a visiting researcher in the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, the Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece under the supervision of Prof. Dr. George-John Nychas. This research was supported by TUBITAK2214/APh.D. scholarship.After receiving his Ph.D. degree in 2018, he joined HIBRO group as a post-doctoral researcher.He conducted studies at the Department of Food Science and Technology, the University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Fernando Pérez-Rodríguez.

You can find us at:

Dpt. Food Science and Technology.
International Agrofood Campus of Excellence CeiA3.
Campus Rabanales s/n. Darwin building- Annex.
Crta. Madrid-Cádiz Km. 396-A 14014.
University of Córdoba (SPAIN).

Phone: 957 218691


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