Lauren Stentiford   

Dr Lauren Stentiford is a Lecturer in Education in the Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter, UK. Her research explores inequalities in compulsory and higher education (HE), and she has a particular interest in gender, social class and disability. After gaining her PhD at Exeter in 2017, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher on a number of projects including a Nuffield Foundation funded systematic review of the organisational arrangements of reading interventions, and an ESRC project that explored mental health leadership and policy in selected case study schools across England.  She is currently working as PI and Co-I on several research projects that explore aspects of inclusion and exclusion in education, with funders including the British Academy/Leverhulme Trust and TREE/Wellcome Trust. She is very interested in how inclusion might be conceptualised and understood in the context of HE.


George Koutsoris  

Dr George Koutsouris is a Senior Lecturer in Education (Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education) in the Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter, UK. He is interested in social inclusion/ participation and in matters of inclusive pedagogy and provision. He has published in the areas of inclusive education, lesson study and early reading. He gained his PhD at Exeter in 2014. After gaining his PhD, he worked as a researcher on a number of projects, including an ESRC-funded Lesson Study project and a Nuffield Foundation funded Integrated Group Reading (IGR) RCT project, led by Professor Brahm Norwich. He has recently completed a BERA funded systematic scoping review exploring the structures and processes governing education research in the UK from 1990-present, alongside Lauren Stentiford and colleagues from the Universities of Exeter and Dundee:


 Gunther Dietz   Gunther Dietz

Gunther Dietz se formó como antropólogo en las Universidades de Gotinga y Hamburgo (Alemania), doctor en antropología por la Universidad de Hamburgo, actualmente trabaja como Profesor-Investigador Titular en Estudios Interculturales en el Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación de la Universidad Veracruzana, enfocándose en la educación superior intercultural; ha trabajado en investigaciones colaborativas con organizaciones de pueblos originarios de México y con comunidades migrantes y organizaciones no-gubernamentales en España y Alemania. Web:; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


María José Solís Grant  Solís Grant

María José Solís Grant, Magíster en Salud Pública, Instructora en el uso de la Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, la Discapacidad y la Salud (CIF, OMS). Académica de programas de pre y post grado en la Universidad de Concepción, con línea de investigación en inclusión en educación superior. Directora del Programa Interdisciplinario por la Inclusión (Includec) de la misma universidad y Directora ejecutiva del Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de la Política, Cultura y Prácticas de inclusión y atención a la diversidad en el sistema de educación superior de la región del Biobío, Chile.



