E-DUCATION PROJECT | The Pandemic Underscores the Need to Furnish Primary and Secondary School Teachers with Digital Skills
Escrito por David Sánchez CruzThe European E-DUCATION project, in which the UCO is participating, aims to highlight the need for digital resources at primary and secondary schools
PLURIMATHS PROJECT | New pedagogical materials generated to teach mathematics in foreign languages
Escrito por UCC+iThe UCO is coordinating the PLURIMATHS European project, in which universities from Italy, Belgium and the United Kingdom are participating to improve the teaching of Mathematics in multilingual and multicultural contexts
A study of two wastewater treatment plants in Cordoba equipped with different technology evaluates their odorous impact
Escrito por UCC+iThe study shows that degrading wastewater pollution by means of mechanical aeration results in fewer odorous compounds than with intensive systems. Another study was carried out demonstrating that the use of biofilters filled with pruning and sludge compost are efficient systems to minimize the odorous impact of sewage treatment plants
FIREPOCTEP PROJECT | Methodology developed for improved forest fire management
Escrito por UCC+iThe European FIREPOCTEP project will make it possible to determine the degree of difficulty of extinguishing a fire in a given territory, and to predict the corresponding costs
ADD-ON SKILLS PROJECT | Civil Engineering Focuses on Sustainable Construction
Escrito por UCC+iThe UCO is participating, together with Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish and Italian universities, in the ADD-ON_SKILLS project for the launch of a course on the use of efficient technologies facilitating the transformation of the Construction sector in Europe
Listeria Survives Better at Low Temperatures in Cured and Soft Cheeses than at Room Temperature
Escrito por UCC+iA study carried out by the University of Cordoba and the University of Burgos to understand the food safety of soft and cured cheeses found that storage at room temperature does not compromise food safety with respect to the presence of Listeria monocytogenes in both types of cheeses, compared to refrigeration, nor does the reduction of salt in soft cheeses in the range studied.