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Intl. Summer School on Search- and Machine Learning-based Software Engineering
 Intelligent Recommender Systems in Software Development
Davide Di Ruscio
University of L’Aquila
Abstract. Recommender systems are a crucial component of several online shop- ping systems, allowing business owners to offer personalized products to customers. Recommender systems in software engineering (RSSE) have been conceptualized on a comparable basis, i.e., they assist developers in navigating large information spaces and getting instant recommendations that are helpful to solve a particular develop- ment task. In this sense, RSSE provides developers with valuable suggestions, which may consist of different items, such as code examples, topics, third-party compo- nents, documentation, to name a few. However, developing RSSE is a complex task; technical choices must be taken to overcome issues related to several aspects, includ- ing the lack of baselines, limited data availability, decisions about the performance measures, and evaluation approaches. This seminar makes an overview of RSSE and describes the challenges that have been encountered in developing different RSSE in the context of the EU CROSSMINER project. Specific attention will be devoted to presenting the intricacies related to the development and evaluation techniques that have been employed to conceive and evaluate the CROSSMINER recommender systems. Moreover, the lessons that have been learned while working on the project will also be discussed.
Biography. Dr. Davide Di Ruscio is Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering Computer Science and Mathematics of the University of L’Aquila. His main research interests are related to several aspects of Software Engineering, Open Source Software, and Model Driven Engineering (MDE) includ- ing domain specific modeling languages, model transformation, model differencing, coupled evolution, and recommendation systems. He has published more than 140 papers in various journals, conferences and workshops on such topics. He has been co-guest editor of a number of special issues. He has been in the PC and involved in the organization of several workshops and conferences, and reviewer of many journals like IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Science of Computer Pro- gramming, Software and Systems Modeling, and Journal of Systems and Software. He is member of the steering committee of the International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT), of the Software Language Engineering (SLE) conference, of the Seminar Series on Advanced Techniques & Tools for Software Evolution (SAT- TOSE), of the Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering at ICSE (MiSE) and of the International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering (RoSE). Davide is in the editorial board of the International Journal on Software and Systems Mod- eling (SoSyM), of IEEE Software, of the Journal of Object Technology, and of the IET Software journal.

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