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Intl. Summer School on Search- and Machine Learning-based Software Engineering
 Testing with Fewer Resources: Toward Adaptive Approaches for Cost-effective Test Generation and Selection
Sebastiano Panichella and Christian Birchler
Zurich University of Applied Science
Abstract. After a very brief introduction to the basic concepts of SBST (search- based software testing), we will go into adaptive approaches to cost-effecting test generation for Java systems, which will be demonstrated in a short demo. The seminar will continue with the basics of self-driving cars development and testing, and will end with a more detailed discussion on test regression (particularly selection strategies) for self-driving cars software. A demo will also be given on the latter topic, giving the seminar a practical character.
Biography. Dr. Sebastiano Panichella is a passionate Computer Science Re- searcher at the Zurich University of Applied Science (ZHAW). He received the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Sannio (Department of Engineering) in 2014 defending the thesis entitled “Supporting Newcomers in Open Source Software Development Projects”. His main research goal is to conduct industrial research, involving both industrial and academic collaborations, to sustain the Internet of Things (IoT) vision, where future “smart cities” will be characterized by millions of smart systems (e.g., cyber-physical systems such as drones, and other autonomous vehicles) connected over the internet, composed by AI-components, and/or con- trolled by complex embedded software implemented for the cloud. His research interests are in the domain of Software Engineering (SE), cloud computing (CC), and Data Science (DS): DevOps (e.g., Continuous Delivery, Continuous integration), Machine learning applied to SE, Software maintenance and evolution (with partic- ular focus on Cloud, mobile, AI-based, and Cyber-physical applications), Mobile Computing. He is Review Board member of the EMSE journal.
Biography. Mr. Christian Birchler is a Research Assistant at the Zurich Univer- sity of Applied Sciences where he is working on the EU Horizon project COSMOS (“DevOps for Complex Cyber-physical Systems”). He studied at the University of Zurich Software Systems with Applied Probability and Statistics as a minor sub- ject. Currently, he is pursuing a master’s degree in Software Systems with Data Science as a minor subject at the University of Zurich. During his studies, he mainly focused on software testing. His research interests are search-based software testing and fuzzing. In his ongoing work, he is investigating the area of software testing and testing in virtual environments combined with the development of tools to solve the problems in his research area. A prominent example is SDC-Scissor (, which is a tool that leverages the test

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