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Import - Class in jfml.compatibility
Abstract class to create parsers to import fuzzy systems from other formats.
ImportExample - Class in jfml.test
This class presents some examples to import a fuzzy system from either MATLAB format or FCL (IEC 1131).
ImportExample() - Constructor for class jfml.test.ImportExample
ImportFCL - Class in jfml.compatibility
This class allows to import a fuzzy system in format FCL (IEC 1131).
ImportFCL() - Constructor for class jfml.compatibility.ImportFCL
Constructor by default
importFuzzySystem(String) - Method in class jfml.compatibility.Import
Import a fuzzy system from another format.
importFuzzySystem(String) - Method in class jfml.compatibility.ImportFCL
importFuzzySystem(String) - Method in class jfml.compatibility.ImportMatlab
importFuzzySystem(String) - Method in class jfml.compatibility.ImportPMML
ImportMatlab - Class in jfml.compatibility
This class allows to import a fuzzy system in MATLAB format.
ImportMatlab() - Constructor for class jfml.compatibility.ImportMatlab
Constructor by default
ImportPMML - Class in jfml.compatibility
This class allows to import a fuzzy system in PMML format.
ImportPMML() - Constructor for class jfml.compatibility.ImportPMML
Constructor by default
initializeMembershipFunction(float, float) - Method in class jfml.term.FuzzyTerm
This function initializes the membership function associated to this term
InterpolationMethodType - Enum in jfml.enumeration
Java class for interpolationMethodType.
isAndMethodDefined() - Method in class jfml.rule.FuzzyRuleType
Return true if the And method is defined; false otherwise
isAndMethodDefined() - Method in class jfml.rule.TskFuzzyRuleType
isDiscrete() - Method in class jfml.defuzzifier.Defuzzifier
Gets if the defuzzifier is continuous or discrete
isDiscrete() - Method in class jfml.defuzzifier.DefuzzifierContinuous
isInput() - Method in class jfml.knowledgebase.variable.KnowledgeBaseVariable
Tests if the variable is input type
isOrMethodDefined() - Method in class jfml.rule.FuzzyRuleType
Return true if the Or method is defined; false otherwise
isOrMethodDefined() - Method in class jfml.rule.TskFuzzyRuleType
isOutput() - Method in class jfml.knowledgebase.variable.AggregatedFuzzyVariableType
isOutput() - Method in class jfml.knowledgebase.variable.AnYaDataCloudType
isOutput() - Method in class jfml.knowledgebase.variable.FuzzyVariableType
isOutput() - Method in class jfml.knowledgebase.variable.KnowledgeBaseVariable
Tests if the variable is output type
isOutput() - Method in class jfml.knowledgebase.variable.TskVariableType
isOutput() - Method in class jfml.knowledgebase.variable.TsukamotoVariableType
iterator() - Method in class jfml.defuzzifier.DefuzzifierContinuous
iterator() - Method in class jfml.defuzzifier.DefuzzifierDiscrete
Get an iterator (on discreteValues' keys)
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