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jfml - package jfml
The main package for representing Fuzzy Systems and making inference according to the FML standard
JFML - Class in jfml
Main class to load and write FML systems in/from files
JFML() - Constructor for class jfml.JFML
jfml.aggregated - package jfml.aggregated
Combination operations with Aggregated Types (AND / OR)
jfml.compatibility - package jfml.compatibility
Compatibility package to export/import from other languages
jfml.defuzzifier - package jfml.defuzzifier
Implementation of various defuzzification methods
jfml.enumeration - package jfml.enumeration
Enumerations for representing the different patterns and values considered in FML
jfml.jaxb - package jfml.jaxb
Methods for bindings the FML schema definition to java objects
jfml.knowledgebase - package jfml.knowledgebase
The representation of KnowledgeBase which includes the definition of the system variables
jfml.knowledgebase.variable - package jfml.knowledgebase.variable
The variables of the KnowledgeBase
jfml.membershipfunction - package jfml.membershipfunction
Implementations of the Membership Functions
jfml.operator - package jfml.operator
Operator of the logical types (AND / OR)
jfml.parameter - package jfml.parameter
Parameters of the Membership Functions
jfml.rule - package jfml.rule
Classes for implementing Rules as fuzzy expressions in the form of IF-THEN[-ELSE] involving linguistic variables and fuzzy operators.
jfml.rulebase - package jfml.rulebase
Classes for representing collections of fuzzy rules to model a system behavior (Mamdani, Tsukamoto, TSK and AnYa).
jfml.term - package jfml.term
Implementation of the different Terms (text label with an associated fuzzy set)
jfml.test - package jfml.test
Implementation and evaluation of examples.
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