Metaheuristic models to the development of decision support systems in software construction
Basic information
Ph.D. Student: Aurora Ramírez
Advisors: José Raúl Romero, Sebastián Ventura
Started on: November 2013
Keywords: search-based software engineering (SBSE), metaheuristics, software architecture optimization
Thesis proposal
With this Ph.D. thesis, we plan to explore the synergies between the artificial intelligence and software engineering
in order to propose at least the following advances:
- Defining new problems in the field of SBSE, mostly focused on the use of metaheuristic techniques
to the early software conception and analysis.
- Designing novel models to solve these problems using different evolutionary techniques and bioinspired approaches.
- Providing intelligent systems for decision support to software design and construction, mainly focusing
on the actual needs of experts engineers and on increasing the interpretability of the resulting models.
- Developing usable software modules in JCLEC, as well as providing tools within the software engineering field
to show the novelty and suitability of our proposals. Application of these tools in real environments.
The development of this thesis is being supported by:
- Spanish Ministry of Science and Competitiveness, project TIN-2014-55252-P.
- Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports under the FPU program (FPU13/01466).