Comet-la administración web

Comet-la administración web

El equipo internacional de COMET-LA está visitando los casos de estudio para realizar el seguimiento del proyecto en la última fase del mismo, la construcción de escenarios de futuro. A continuación, os compartimos las principales actividades de estos días.

Día 1. 26/06/2014. Reunión metodológica. Oaxaca acogió la primera reunión del equipo internacional del proyecto, en la que se compartieron los avances alcanzados en el último semestre, en el que dio comienzo la tercera fase del proyecto, la construcción de escenarios de futuro. Durante el encuentro, los responsables de cada caso de estudio explicaron cómo habían desarrollado las primeras etapas de la construcción de escenarios, es decir, la identificación de las fuerzas externas que pueden afectar al sistema socio-ecológico, la descripción de los diversos escenarios futuros posibles y las respuestas o medidas que cada comunidad considera más robustas para enfrentarse o alcanzar dichos escenarios.
Igualmente, la reunión sirvió para consensuar otros aspectos logísticos de futuros eventos, como la Conferencia Política Final y la publicación de papers científicos.

Día 2. 27/06/14. Foro con stakeholders externos de México. El equipo internacional del COMET-LA se reunió con los stakeholders externos de México para debatir cómo pueden implementarse las medidas más robustas para hacer frente a los escenarios futuros. Para ello, se discutió con los actores acerca de quiénes tienen que ponerlas en marcha y cuál es la mejor forma de hacerlo, así como la repercusión que esto tendría en el sistema de gobernanza actual.
En este foro participaron, entre otros, representantes de diversas entidades gubernamentales, como SEMARNAT, CONAFOR y CONANP, y otras organizaciones comunitarias y sociales como UZACHI, Servicios Forestales de Oaxaca y ERA.
Tras el foro, tuvo lugar un encuentro con los medios de comunicación de Oaxaca.

Día 3. 28/06/2014. Traslado a Comaltepec. El equipo internacional se desplazó hasta la comunidad de Santiago Comaltepec para rendir cuentas del trabajo realizado hasta el momento. Antes de llegar, se detuvo en la radio indígena "XEGLO, la voz de la Sierra Juárez", en Guelatao, para grabar un programa especial sobre el COMET-LA que se distribuirá a más de una veintena de radios indígenas o comunitarias de Oaxaca.
A la llegada a Comaltepec, la coordinadora del proyecto, María del Mar Delgado, y el responsable del caso mexicano, Roberto Escalante, se reunieron con las autoridades de la comunidad.

Día 4. 29/06/2014. Foro con stakeholders internos. Por tercer año, los integrantes del COMET-LA se reunieron con los habitantes de Santiago Comaltepec para compartir los resultados alcanzados por el proyecto hasta el momento. Especialmente se les informó sobre los escenarios de futuro que la comunidad ha identificado como plausibles y de las medidas que podrían implementarse para encarar dichos escenarios.

Se hizo entrega de los premios del concurso de fotografía. En el caso de México, la ganadora ha sido Judith Olivera.

Días 5 y 6. 30/06/2014-01/07/2014. Traslado de Oaxaca a Buenaventura.

¡Nos vemos en Colombia!

María del Mar Delgado, María José Ambrosio-Albalá, Cecilia Riccioli-Giuliarini. 2014. "Desafíos ambientales y sociales frente al cambio climático" en Natura@economía. Vol. 2, Nº 1, enero-junio: 5-22.


Belén graduated from the Universidad de Buenos Aires with a degree in Socio-Cultural Anthropology and she is a PhD candidate.
She has previously worked in various socio-cultural fields: intercultural education and childhood and rural issues. Nowadays, she is working on migrations movements and health impacts.
As regards to Climate Change, she is interested on the local community's knowledge about how the climate change and the socio-economic activities are producing dramatic effects on the ecological resources; and which are the different meanings that local communities assign to their behaviours and activities that have a daily/constant impact on the environmental context.

Leonardo Berninsone is a biologist from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), and currently a student at Università di Bologna (Italy). He has been involved in research and conservation of marine mammals as well as seabirds, sea turtles and artisanal fisheries along the coast of Buenos Aires Province during the last decade. He has also been an assistant intern at the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Florida (USA). Currently, he is Project Leader at Fundacion AquaMarina. His interest is to link science with community, focusing both on research and environmental education.

19 June 2014 IADO

Pablo Bordino

Pablo Bordino is a biologist from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) with Postgraduate studies in Coastal Managementt at Nova South Eastern University and Conservation Biology at Columbia University (USA). He is currently Director at Fundación AquaMarina and Senior Project Leader at the EcoHealth Alliance and CERC/The Earth Institute at Columbia University. Pablo´s research is focused on Aquatic Ecology, Natural Economy, Fisheries, and Coastal Management. In 2001, he was one of the shortlisted candidates to receive the prestigious "Whitley Award", and in 2002 he received the "WildInvest Continuation Award for Conservation of Nature". He is currently member of the Scientific Committee at IUCN SSC CSG.

Guillermo Luis Fidalgo is Ranger Provincial, guide tourism and journalist. He has a specialization in oceanography and marine resources, Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana FUNIBER - Miguel de Cervantes European University (Spain). A diploma "specialist of environmental management and territorial planning", CIEFA "Center Ibero-American specialized in environmental training" (Peru). He graduated international in coastal zone management, University of Guadalajara (Mexico). Participating in activities of environmental education and conservation of marine mammals. He received several awards for different organizations as UNESCO, Foundation Cherry Breitman, municipality of Bahía Blanca, The Oustanding Young Persons, Asociación Argentina de Televisión por Cable, among others. He has presented projects of Ordinances relating to the facility.

María María Ibañez Martin is Licenciate in Economics (Universidad Nacional del Sur). She is currently a CONICET Doctoral Fellow working on issues of social inclusion, segmentation and educational inequality. However, her academic interests are broad, encompassing institutional, econometric and environmental issues. She is also teaching assistant in the Department of Economics at the Universidad Nacional del Sur.The COMET-LA project consists of issues that are of great interest to the scholar, so that participation in the project has been an extremely important aspect in her training.

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Marina Recalde

Marina Recalde isPhD in Economics (2010) from the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). She is Adjunct Researcher from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and the Programa de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo de la Fundación Bariloche (Argentina). She Works in the branch of Energy and Climate Change, and has worked as a teacher assistant in the subject of Energy Economics in the UNS and a postgraduate teacher in the Diploma Superior en Derecho y Economía del Cambio Climático, FLACSO Argentina. Currently, Dr. Recalde is part of the COMET-LA Argentine group.

19 June 2014 IADO

Mariana Zilio

She is PhD in Economics from the Universidad Nacional del Sur and member of the Institute for Economic and Social Research of the South, where she is currently developing her activity as Assistant Researcher of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). Throughout his career she has worked on Environmental Economics and Natural Resources and she has several national and international publications on these topics. Currently, his research plan is aimed to designing and analyzing the implementation of policy for adaptation to climate change in the area of the Bahía Blanca Estuary.

Juan Carlos Pascale is Architect (1973 - National University of La Plata) and Master in Tourism Destination Management (2008 - School of Hospitality and Tourism at the University of Barcelona, Spain). Since 1984 he is a professor-researcher in the Tourism area of the Geography and Tourism Department of Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca, Argentina). In 2005 he participated in the international cooperation project (URBAL) of the municipality of Bahia Blanca. He participated in research projects to contribute to the development of tourism in municipalities in the region. In Monte Hermoso, he integrated teams to study: Demand, tourism sustainability indicators and the Tourism Development Plan, among others.