Comet-la administración web

Comet-la administración web

Rojas, Mara L. 2014. "Behind the increasing erosion problem: The role of local institutions and social capital on coastal management in Argentina." Ocean & Coastal Management 93: 76-87.


COMET-LA together with the other 4 projects (COBRA, ECOADAPT,, y COMBIOSERVE) funded by the EC in the same call have organized a Joint Session at the Resilience Conference 2014, Resilience and Development: Mobilizing for Transformation. The conference organized by the "French node" of the Resilience Alliance network (CIRAD - CNRS - IRSTEA- INRA), Agropolis International and their partners of the campus of Montpellier, has gathered almost 1000 scientists, academics and practitioners, creating a vivid arena for exchanges and discussions around the challenges of resilience and development in the actual context of global change.

The joint session attracted the interest of many participants and represented a unique opportunity to disseminate the results and methodologies used by the 5 projects and to explore new opportunities of strengthening collaborations among them.

Our COMETs at JHI have developed this didactic video, also available in Spanish.


COMET-LA will be presented at the Research meets Diplomacy: Europe as a Global Actor Conference, next June 5. The project has been chosen by teh Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commision to participate in the conference to foster exchanges between researchers from Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) FP7 projects and policy-makers on the theme of EU foreign policy. 

The Strategic Programme under Horizon 2020 foresees social scientific research alongside an embedding of social sciences and humanities in other Societal Challenges with international dimensions (e.g. environment). The conference will be organized around four thematically organised panels focusing on:

EU's capacities as a global actor
EU's neighbourhood policy in the Mediterranean area
EU's relations with the wider world - sustainable governance of natural resources in the framework of EU-LAC relations
EU's relations with the wider world - the EU's role in the Asia-Pacific region

For futher information, dlick here to download the programme.

Our COMETs at JHI have developed this didactic video, also available in Spanish.


Our COMETs talk about the First Prospective Workshop in Argentina.


The community of Comaltepec, supported by the Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM and the association “Estudios Rurales y Asesoría Campesina” ERA, both members of COMET-LA, has launched its website. The internet page has been conceived and designed by the community in order to systematize activities in of the COMET-LA project but also all the decisions taken within the community and disseminate information mainly among people living outside the community.

The website shall contribute to the development of COMET-LA learning arena encouraging the dissemination of good practices and lessons learned in the field of forest management and land use.

To visit the Comaltepec website, please click on the following link: