
In this section you can find different information according the activities that have been done according with the International Cooperation Proyect since 2009 as the visits or the research-stays in the centers of work.

3rd Mediterranean workshop on organic waste recovery, biomass and renewable energy

2013, 5-8th, February

Research stays in University of Córdoba

2012, June-September

Formation and training for students of different masters

2012, 21-25th, January

Second provision of laboratory equipment, the implementation of a laboratory scale equipment for anaerobic digestion of wastewaters

2012, 21-25th, January

2nd Mediterranean workshop on organic waste recovery, biomass and renewable energy

2011, 13-16th, December

Attendance and participation in the V conference of “university and development cooperation”

2011, 6-8 th, April

The first Mediterranean workshop on organic waste recovery, biomass and renewable energy

2010, 13-17th, December

First supply of equipment for the lab LABEQ

2010, December

Attendance and participation in the 14th Ramiran Conference - Research Network on Recycling of Agricultural and Industrial Residues in Agriculture

2010, 13 -15th September

Research stays in University of Córdoba

2010, September to December

Visit to Andalusia Region by AMADES-Morocco Association

2009, December

Visit-collaboration with Chemical Engineering Group of University of Cordoba and visit to Superior Council of Scientific Research

2009, March

Visit to Andalusia Region by AMADES-Morocco - Preliminary studies

2008, July