Members in the group of Chemical Engineering Area from University of Cordoba (Spain)

This group has developed his research in Waste Management and its utilization (Water Treatment, Alcoholic Fermentation, Solid Waste Management and others). Specialized in Waste Composting and Biomethanation for agro-industrial wastes.

Arturo Francisco Chica Pérez, is coordinator for the spanish agency of international cooperation and development, professor in the University of Córdoba in Chemical Engineering. Ph.D. in Chemical Scinces (1986), responsible for various subjects in their area in the Degrees of Chemical, Environmental Sciences, Science and Technology  Food. He has participated in various doctoral programs from 1990 until now (Applied Sciences). He has been speaker at Masters, Specialist courses and seminars organized by International University of Andalusia, from the University of Cordoba, Castilla La Mancha, UNED, and the College of Chemists.  She has directed, as Principal Investigator, 5 Research Projects with Public Funding, and 20 R & D Contracts funded by companies. He has participated in over 20 projects with Public Funds and 11 other Privates. It is responsible for scientific infrastructure (FEDER / MEC), published 17 scientific papers in internationally recognized journals, and 16 other national magazines, written four book chapters and co-authored 3 patents (in operation). He has participated in 18 international congresses and 19 National.

 Antonio Martín Martín, is full professor in the Chemical Engineering Department of Córdoba. Ph.D. in Chemical Scinces (1971), he led, as principal Investigator, more than 15 research projects with public funding, 9 contracts funded by companies and he has participated in over 12 projects with funds Public  and in other ten Privates.
Over 60 scientific articles in internationally recognized journals, and more than 70 in journals national. He has written two book chapters and two books. He co-authored 3 patents (in operation) and participated in 20  International and National Conferences. He has directed 13 doctoral theses.

María Ángeles Martín Santos, graduate in Chemical Sciences  and Ph.D. in Sciences (2001). She is lecture in the Chemical Engineering Department of Córdoba. She has collaborated in 20 contracts funded by companies. Over 20 scientific articles in internationally recognized journals, and 6 in journals national. She is co-author in 2 patents (in operation) and have 30 participations in  international and National Congress.

José Ángel Siles López, graduate in Environmental Sciences  and Ph.D. in Sciences (2010). He works in Chemical Engineering Department.

Manuel Dios Pérez, graduate in Environmental Sciences and Ph.D. in Sciences (2008). He works in Chemical Engineering Department.



Members in the group of Faculty of Sciences University of Ibn Tofail (Morocco)

This group work in managament of wastes and  resources in Morocco. Modelling in anaerobic digestion, management of the water, agro-waste recovery and depuration are the aims of their research from of point of view of Science and Engineering.

Hassan el Bari, is the coordinator of the spanish aid for Morocco, is professor in the University of Ibn Tofail in Kenitra. Ph.D. in Engineering and Material Sciences (1987), Ph.D. in Physical Sciences (1998).  Professor responsible for various subjects in the Degrees of Faculty of Sciences in Kenitra. Member of the laboratory of Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences and Quality (LABEQ). He is the president in the marroc society of Solid Wastes (AMADES-Morocco), since 2005 and coordinator in the international  South-North International Network on Landfill Management. He has 2 scientific papers in internationally recognized journals, and 7 comunications in international and national congresses. He is also responsible of Master degree entitled "Waste Management and Recovery.

Said Ibn Ahmed, is professor in the University of Ibn Tofail in Kenitra. Ph.D. in Molecular Chemical (1988), Ph.D. in Organic Chemical (1998).  Professor responsible for various subjects in the Degrees of Faculty of Sciences in Kenitra. e has 5 scientific papers in internationally recognized journals, and 3 comunications in international and national congresses.

Abdelazid Chaouch, Ph.D. in Analitical Chemical in Aix Marsella-III. Marsella University (Francia, 1988). Researcher in Faculty of Sciences of Kenitra (1990-1997). Ph.D. Status of the Quality,applied Chemical (Fez, 1993)2- Docente-Investigador en la Facultad de Ciencias de Kenitra (Marruecos, 1990-1997). Professor in Faculty of Sciences of Kenitra since 1997.

Siham Belhadj, graduate in Sciences of the earth and Universe. Master in Hydro-Informatic and Engineering of the water (University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, 2008).

Naima El Bouzidi, graduate in Management and depuration in Urban environment and Master Hydro-Informatic and Engineering of the water (University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, 2008)

Fadoua Karouach, graduate in Geological Sciences and Master Hydro-Informatic and Engineering of the water (University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra, 2008).