01 Febrero 2014 AQM

Leonardo Bernissone

Leonardo Berninsone is a biologist from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina), and currently a student at Università di Bologna (Italy). He has been involved in research and conservation of marine mammals as well as seabirds, sea turtles and artisanal fisheries along the coast of Buenos Aires Province during the last decade. He has also been an assistant intern at the Sarasota Dolphin Research Program at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Florida (USA). Currently, he is Project Leader at Fundacion AquaMarina. His interest is to link science with community, focusing both on research and environmental education.

01 Febrero 2014 IADO

Valeria Vitale

Valeria is a student of Economics at UNS, sailor and motor yacht captain, and sailing coach. She is a founding and active member of the NETWORK OF YOUNG LEADERS FOR MARINE CONSERVATION. She is currently doing her thesis about the artisanal fisheries in the Bahia Blanca Estuary. She is a member of COMET- LA Argentina team, in the socio economic area and for the NGO AQUAMARINA collaborate in the area of outreach and education. My passion is sailing, which is a source of motivation to collaborate on conservation in harmony with the progress.

01 Febrero 2014 IADO

Gerardo Perillo

PhD in Oceanography and Licenciate in Geological Sc.. Senior Researcher CONICET, Argentine Institute of Oceanography, Deputy Director, Professor of Marine Geology (UNS) . Professor at the universities of Quèbec, Concepción, Algarve and Cadiz. Main research topics are water-sediment-biology interaction processes, and geomorphological evolution of coastal and inland environments. He established a program to develop his own instruments resulting in the Estaciones de Monitoreo Ambiental Costero and the construction of the first buoy in the country for environmental monitoring. Member of various committees of international organizations. Author and editor of 14 books and special issues of journals, 192 publications in oceanography, sediment transport, physical-biological processes among other subjects, a documentary and popular science works.

Maria Cintia is Meteorologist from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina and PhD in Oceanography from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA. She is Professor in the Department of Geography at the Universidad Nacional del Sur and Senior Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). She is currently the General Secretary of Science and Technology, Universidad Nacional del Sur. For 11 years she was director of the Argentine Institute of Oceanography (IADO). She has published extensively on the subject of ocean-atmosphere interaction, climate variability and its effects on lakes, estuarine circulation and dynamics, among others.

Alejandra is an undergraduate student of the Faculty of Economics (National Autonomous University of Mexico). She has worked in some research projects related with Community management of natural resources and environmental issues. Likewise, she possesses a vast knowledge on participatory techniques application. Her research is focussed on the application of Elinor Ostrom's methodology to identify robust systems.

Saul is a Master of Science in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from the University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) and graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) with a BA in Economics. He has worked in several research projects related with the impact of climate change on Mexican agriculture. Currently, he is a lecturer of the Faculty of Economics at UNAM. His recent studies have been focused on environmental services valuation, sustainable development, agriculture, and natural resource management. Likewise, he possesses a vast knowledge on designing and running econometric models.

Postdoctorate studies at the Latinamerican Study Centre at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Philosophy Doctor in Rural Development by the University of London (Wye College). Awarded with Honoris Causa PhD degree by the Catholic University of Angeles in Chimbote. Master in Agrarian Development from the University of London (University College London) and graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) with a BA in Economics. Currently, Roberto is a full-time researcher and professor in Agricultural Economics and Rural Development at the Postgraduate Economics Department (UNAM). He was Director of the Faculty of Economics (UNAM) from 2002 to 2010. Now, Roberto is the General Secretary of Latin America and Caribbean Universities Organization (UDUAL).

Profesional en Ciencia Política y Sociología de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Perteneció a grupos de investigación como: Ciencia Política y Conducta Humano, Modelamiento Multi-agente y Jóvenes investigadores. Áreas de interés:
Política Pública
Planeación y Desarrollo rural y humano.
Modelamiento de sistemas socio-ecológicos
Conflicto Armado y Reparación a víctimas .
[re] construcción de la identidad y la relación cuerpo, territorio e identidad

Investigador junior becario de Colciencias. Biólogo y Ecólogo de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, con estudios en estadística y modelamiento dinámico en la misma universidad. Tiene experiencia en el desarrollo de metodologías para el trabajo con comunidades rurales en temas de uso y manejo de la biodiversidad en Colombia. Sus áreas temáticas de trabajo académico son: Modelamiento de sistemas socio-ecológicos, Planeación y análisis de Socio-Ecosistemas, Innovación social y desarrollo rural, y Apropiación social de la ciencia.

Profesor de cátedra del Departamento de Desarrollo Rural y Regional de la Facultad de Estudios Ambientales y Rurales de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Candidato a doctor en doctor en estudios y gestión del conflicto. Magíster en Desarrollo Rural y ecólogo de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Miembro del grupo de investigación "Institucionalidad y Desarrollo Rural". Sus áreas temáticas de trabajo académico son: Cooperación y comunidad con énfasis en la conservación de recursos naturales, aspectos socio-ambientales desde la perspectiva ecológica, económica y social, análisis de la racionalidad para el manejo de recursos naturales, trabajo de campo y diseño de ejercicios de economía experimental, Diagnostico Rural Participativo (DRP) y modelamiento de sistemas dinámicos con comunidades, y análisis de problemática ambiental desde la perspectiva comunitaria y de género.