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02 Febrero 2014 Glosario


Term  Definition 
Adaptation/implementation to climate change An adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected stimuli or their effects, which is intended to moderate harm or exploit beneficial opportunities’ . (Adapted from IPCC 2007, Glossary).   This can reduce the vulnerability of a society to changes in climate systems. For example, adaptation to climate change is the process of preparing to cope with living in a changing climate e.g. increased rainfall, higher temperatures and more frequent storms.
Adaptive capacity The ability of a system (natural or human) to adjust to changes (e.g. climate shifts and variability)  to moderate potential damages, to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope with consequences.
Adaptive management A management strategy that responds to change whilst also acknowledging uncertainty in outcomes: explicit feedback mechanisms allow ongoing experience to refine and improve future management decisions.
Alienation right The right to sell one of the above rights permanently or for a given time period. Most attention has been given to the right to transfer full ownership of a segment of a resource which would involve having all of the other four rights. Some forms of alienation are not that general but still assign the right to sell some meaningful subset of the rights that they hold to a participant. (Schlager and Ostrom, 1992)
Climate variability The deviations (abnormalities) in averages of meteorological elements for a particular period of time (given month, year, etc.) from large time-series climate statistics related to the calendar year.
Climate change Significant changes in global and local climates, which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.
Collective action This is the pursuit of a goal, or set of goals, by more than one person.  The conditions under which this occurs if of great interest to the social sciences. It often refers to the process of facilitating closure toward common interest or the overcoming of blockages which undermine the achievement of high group returns from a contemplated action. (adapted from Moran, E. et al, 2002).
Common property A certain system of resource access and ownership.  Each member of the ownership group has the right to access and use group-owned resources in accordance with access and use rules established collectively by the group, and a duty not to violate access and use rules. Each member also has the right to exclude non-members of the ownership group, but no right to exclude other members of the ownership group. Non-members of the ownership group have a duty not to access and use the resource, except in accordance with rules adopted collectively by the ownership group. (Bromley,1991)

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The ICCA Consortium is an international association dedicated to promoting the appropriate recognition of and support to ICCAs (Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Conserved Areas and Territories) in the regional, national and global arena. It is comprised of Members (Indigenous People Organizations (IPOs) and Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and civil society organizations working with IPs/LCs) and Honorary members (individuals with relevant concerns and expertise relating to ICCAs)

Visit ICCA Consortium

02 Febrero 2014 Otros enlaces

Portal CES

The IUCN Portal on "Conservation and Social Equity" promotes, within the environmental community, the principles of social equity in the management of natural resources. Strategies to achieve this objective are:

- To systematize and socialize research results, initiatives led by governments and NGOs.

- To promote joint learning process on issues related to conservation and social equity.

Visit Portal CES

02 Febrero 2014 Otros enlaces


EUROCLIMA regional cooperation programme is a partnership between the European Union and Latin America, focusing on climate change.

The Programme's objective is to improve the knowledge of decision-makers and scientists in Latin America regarding the impact of climate change in the region in order to strengthen sustainable development strategies.


At the COP 10 Meeting in Nagoya, Japan, in 2011, the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted the Satoyama Initiative. This gives special status - and money - to socio-ecological production landscapes. These are often iconic places where people are part of an agricultural landscape that has been productive and sustained over long periods of time. The Satoyama Initiative seeks to protect these landscapes and to learn from them.

Visit Satoyama Initiative