In 2005 the European Commission adopted the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Recruitment to define a framework for the management of research-related human resources. These documents set out the rights and responsibilities of both researchers and their employers and contribute to the creation of a transparent, attractive and open labour market for researchers at international level, as well as to making research an attractive career path.

On 27 July 2016, the University of Cordoba (UCO) signed up to these principles and applied for the HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) award. In this initial phase, UCO designed the first Action Plan (2016-2018), demonstrated a high level of implementation of the OTM-R (Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment) policy and carried out a gap analysis within the framework of the Code of Conduct. As a result, the HRS4R seal was awarded to UCO in November 2018.

In the next phase, the Action Plan was developed and an external evaluation was carried out with the positive result of confirming the incorporation of the HRS4R strategy at UCO in October 2019. From this moment on, the Action Plan was updated (2019-2022) and the actions included in it were developed until 2023.

What are the advantages of implementing the HRS4R strategy at UCO?

  • Recognition of UCO good practices in human resources management by the European Commission in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
  • Identification of the UCO as a more attractive institution for researchers looking for a new destination.
  • Implementation of a strategy of continuous improvement of the human resources policy.
  • International visibility, favouring the positioning of the UCO at European level.
  • Strengthening the image of the UCO as an institution through the HRS4R seal.