The initial phase: this starts with the signature of the letter of accession and should be carried out within a maximum period of 12 months. This phase involves an internal analysis of the institution's shortcomings and weaknesses in order to assess its practices in terms of professional ethics, recruitment of researchers, working conditions and training, based on the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct (GAP Analysis). This analysis allows the establishment of a series of actions and recommendations to align human resources policies with the principles set out in the Action Plan.
This initial phase culminates in the award of the HRS4R seal of excellence granted by the European Union to institutions that define and execute an action plan to implement the guidelines of the Charter and the Code.
The implementation phase: in this phase, a mid-term evaluation is carried out in which the implementation of the Action Plan is checked by monitoring its evolution through the indicators defined for each action and thematic block (ethical and professional aspects, recruitment, working conditions and social security, and training). In addition, the procedures leading to an OTM-R Policy (Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment) are defined in this phase.
The renewal phase: to access this phase, the institution must pass a face-to-face assessment by experts who will verify in situ the degree of implementation of the HRS4R strategy and the institution's commitment to the objectives set during the previous phases. Access to this phase will allow the implementation of the improved Action Plan with the inclusion of new activities that improve the human resources policy related to research in the institution.